
Thursday, July 29, 2010

SAM's Club is AMAZING!

Ok... I just went to SAM's club for the first time since I had my beautiful Natalie Grace. Wow... That place is AMAZING! I cannot believe how cheap things are there. I found a video camera set (HD) for $229, king bedroom group, cheap diapers, cheap formula, dirt cheap baby food and so on... Seriously, we stop formula and baby food in 3 weeks. Ah... what is the irony of this. Although, it felt REALLY good to spot these bargains! Oh and during all of these, I was able to practically feel full from a meal with all of the samples!!! Yummy!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

28 for 28 day 3

Today, I have been on this diet for 3 days and I am already wanting to be off of it. Why is it SO HARD to be on a diet. C'mon it is summer time. It is so hard to pass up on the ice cream, the icee "slushy" treats, cookies and just plain SONIC happy hour drinks. Ahhh..... Lord please grant me the power to stay with it.
Today, Chris heard from the insurance woman and it looks like we will be getting a new car... Yay!!! Wait... that means we have to go car shopping.... I HATE THAT!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ok... I admit it... I have a "high Maintanance" Child

Good grief, what a long night. For the past few days Natalie's routine has been off due to several different things but she has missed her morning nap and gotten a very long afternoon nap (2-3 hours). This is nice I guess but it makes her extra tired. Last night she woke up screaming at the top of her lungs and obviously had a nightmare. I picked her up and rocked her and sang her favorite "Jesus loves me" and she just wouldn't go back in her crib. After several hours I gave up and brought her into our bed. I then didn't get anymore sleep for the night. I hope I will be able to make it through this long drawn out day with lots of travel involved. Ahhhh.....

Monday, July 26, 2010

28 for 28

After I had Natalie and realized I was going to need to lose ALOT of weight, I began to start eating right and trying to be healthier. I don't know about anyone else but during the last 8-10 weeks of pregnancy I really packed on the pounds (Keep in mind I carried until 43 1/2 weeks anyway). This led me to gain and overall of 48 pounds during pregnancy. After I had to have a C-section, I was sick for several weeks and the overall anxiety of taking care of a new little one led me to get VERY sick. I actually lost all 48 pounds and even a few more during my 6 week maternity leave from work. Since then I have gained about 20 of those back. Come to find out, the birth control pills I was taking have a side effect of weight gain. So... I have dropped the pills and I am not eating even better and exercising daily. My birthday is September 4th and I will be 28 so... I am going to try to lose 28 pounds by my 28th birthday. It is a very steep goal but none-the-less, I am going to try! Above is the "before" picture!

My baby is almost 1

On July 25, 2010 my Natalie Grace is just 1 month shy of 1 year old. She is growing up so fast. She has been pulling up and even crawling for about 3-4 months and about 3 weeks ago she really started standing up alone and cruising all over the house. I think she will be walking any day now. She has been walking all over while holding on to our hands and suddenly she is walking beside us only holding one hand. I am so ready for her to be walking. I know it is in her she just doesn't have the confidence right now.
C'mon Natalie Grace!