
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Growing Boy: Month 6

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I cannot believe you are 6 months old today! It seems like only yesterday you were all wrapped up in blankets and in my arms for the first time. You definitely wanted to make your own entrance into this world and at the perfect time. You made June 12, 2012 one of the best days of my life! You are a true blessing to me and I thank God for you each and EVERYDAY! I love you so much!

This pretty much sums it up... this boy gets into EVERYTHING!

This month we are all done with nursing (tear, tear) and drinking only Nutramigen formula ($$$). We started solids in late November with Rice Cereal and Oatmeal. He took this pretty well and I could tell he was ready to move on to vegetables and other solids. Right after Thanksgiving we started feeding him the vegetables and we are currently on our last type of veggie, carrots, before we move on to the good stuff... the FRUIT! Natalie was pretty tolerant of all of the vegetables but as I have found out with just about EVERYTHING ELSE... whatever Natalie did as a baby, Luke will do the OPPOSITE! It is incredible how very different they are (Yet so similar in so many ways too). Luke doesn't seem to like the peas or the sweet potatoes. I cannot blame on either of those since as a kid and as an adult I don't like either of those as well. He LOVES the green beans and seems to do OK on the squash. We have yet to determine if he likes carrots or not but I am going to bet not... I think they stink and look terrible, but we will find out soon! Usually he eats grains in the morning and veggies for a mid-afternoon meal. The rest of the time he is getting the majority of his nutrition from Nutramigen formula. He drinks about 30-32 ounces a day. He is just now beginning to be less lazy and actually hold the bottle up himself, which is very helpful for a busy mom!

He is still sleeping 10-11 hours at night without problems but his nap schedule is so inconsistent. Some days he will sleep for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time and other days he will only sleep for 30 minutes at a time. Usually this is in the swing at our house or at Gigi Jackie's house. I have tried to get him to sleep in his crib but he will just try to sit up (thinking he is missing out on something) and not go to sleep. He really likes the calming vibrations of the swing. However, I think since we have hit the 6 month mark it is time to really focus on getting him to nap in his crib. I mean he wont be able to fit in the swing forever (Although it does say holds up to 30 pounds!). I know going to MDO 4 days a week will help this since they will get him into a routine of their own! I know this will help!

On November 17th, when he was 5 months and 5 days, he sat up on his own without falling over. Ever since then he has been alert and ready to play. He will roll ALL OVER the house. I will lay him down in one area of a room and before I can even look up he is somewhere else. He loves to roll over and play. On December 5th we saw him "Army/ Belly" Crawl across the floor for the first time. Oddly enough, he was trying to get one of Natalie's toys she had been playing with. He crawled about 4 feet on his tummy. Ever since then he has been going just about everywhere. He can put himself on "All Fours" but he just doesn't have the strength to actually crawl on All Fours yet. For now he will just scoot across the floor on his tummy and sometimes his knees. He is just so cute when he does this. Other than that he plays on his floor mat and Exersaucer a lot. Just yesterday, December 11th, I introduced him to Natalie's toy piano on the floor and he LOVED it! He would push a button and then just giggle and giggle! This made my heart smile!

Playing the piano!

Luke at his 6 month old Check-up!
Happy 1/2 Birthday Luke! I love you!
God is good... ALL THE TIME!  

Christmas 2012

December 27, 2012
A Christmas to Remember
Well, this year's Christmas Season has come and gone so have my Christmas Decorations. In fact, they went up in record time, the day after Thanksgiving, and I had them down by 3pm on December 26th (Thanks to the help of my parents and sister). Having just bought our house and having lived with my in-laws for 15 months, I did not have a lot of Christmas Decorations so my house was pretty basic. I am hoping to build this up over the next few years.

This Christmas season was one for the keepsakes as it was Luke's FIRST Christmas and our FIRST Christmas spent as a family of FOUR! It is hard to believe but this time last year I didn't even know that my baby was a BOY (Of course, I knew I was pregnant but I didn't know HE was a HE)! I remember spending Christmas 2011 just imagining what 12 months from then would look like. Honestly, it looked alot like what was in my head 12 months ago! I am so very blessed.

This was a "KLINGSICK" holiday meaning we spent the holiday with my parents and sister. However, since we live close (4 streets over) from my in-laws, this was an even more special holiday because we were actually able to spend Christmas Day with BOTH sets of parents. It was so special to be able to see EVERYONE on this special day.
The festivities began when my sister came into town on Saturday. She spent the evening with us and then went with us to Church on Sunday morning and helped me take the kids to see Santa on Sunday (12-23-12). This was so much fun since Natalie is at the perfect age to know who he is. Allison and I were not really exposed to Santa as a child so I was indifferent to the idea of taking our kids to sit on Santa's lap but as Chris reminded me "Why would you deprive any child of that joy?" He made a valid point so I decided to talk to Natalie about Santa and have her go and sit on Santa's lap. This was led by our family mission which is to educate our kids about the REAL meaning of Christmas which is the BIRTH OF JESUS, CHRIST!
My parents arrived on Sunday evening around 10 pm and brought in the MASSIVE amount of gifts they hauled from Arp to Conroe (I still don't know how it all fit and they were able to breathe the whole time)! On Christmas Eve we started the day off with some yummy Cinnamon rolls and Allison, Chris and I began our "Dessert Challenge" for 2012. This is a tradition of the "Klingsicks" since 2010 where all the kids (Allison, Chris and I) participate in a dessert challenge. This year we chose to make cupcakes. As always it was a fun filled day of sweets and treats AND... THIS YEAR I WON (More about that to follow in a separate blog)!
In the afternoon of Christmas Eve, Allison and I took my dad to get a new iPhone. He had the same ANCIENT phone for nearly 3 years and it was time for him to join the 21st Century. This was such a cool experience for me to share with him and I am so excited for him to be able to share the photos and videos with my whole family!
On Christmas Eve we had a tasty version of Pork Tenderloin made by my dad and we started to get ready to open gifts. We gave the kids a bath at 6:30 and at 7 we began opening the KIDS' gifts! There were so many gifts coming both sides of the family and even extended family sent gifts from Wichita, KS. Natalie got some great gifts like a new art easel, an American Girl doll named "Alex", Minnie Mouse shoes, a Daisy Duck, LeadPad and so much more. Baby Luke got some great baby toys too such as: a new "Learning Puppy", a basketball goal, a activity walker and some other toys for his developing mind to play with. The funny thing about all these gifts is that Natalie wants to play with Luke's and Luke wants to play with Natalie's! I guess that is the start of the sibling rivalry! After nearly 1.5 hours, we were done with the kids gifts and we put them to bed!
Luke opening his gifts!

Natalie opening her 3rd round of gifts!
Around 10pm we began opening the adult gifts! Chris and I got some AMAZING gifts this year! We got a Keurig Coffee machine (Even a few days after opening this I am already wondering how I EVER LIVED WITHOUT IT!) and some new bath towels! Chris got a Wii and a Wii Fit Plus, a new briefcase (He has wanted and need for a while now) and lots of other stuff. I got tickets to a Yankee's game in September, a new set of Kitchen Knives, a smore's making machine and lots of other stuff. We really cleaned up and are so grateful to our many family and friends who showered us with love and gifts this Christmas Season!
On Christmas Morning, we all woke up and changed the focus from gifts to Baby Jesus. That is what Christmas is all about and we have made it a point to make Christmas Day ALL ABOUT Him and his virgin birth into the world!
Natalie woke up with a cough and was throwing up a little just from congestion. I immediately went into panic mode but thanks to my dad for spending all morning with her upstairs playing while i could try to cook and play host. After a few hours she was all better and Christmas continued!
For lunch we had Ham, Fried Turkey (It was Chris' BEST YET) and lots of sides. Dan, Jackie and D'Ann came over to celebrate this day with us and as Chris said "This was the best Christmas Ever". Natalie got over her sickness and was able to eat lunch with us and even Luke sat in the room with us as we ate the feast. After lunch we played a game while the kids took naps and then as soon as Natalie woke up we had BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR JESUS! This is a Davis Family (Chris and Kellie) tradition it was super special this year to spend it with not only my parents but Dan and Jackie as well. Even Luke wore a Birthday Hat for Jesus!
After the Birthday Party we settled down enough to get the kids an early bath and then we opened the Stockings that we forgot to open previously. Finally around 9pm we got the kids in bed and were able to do another Family tradition of watching a Christmas Movie all together. This year we watched "Christmas Vacation". My dad had never seen it and that made it special to me!
On Wednesday, December 26, the girls woke up early and went "After Christmas Shopping" while the men stayed home and watched football. This was special too because we were able to spend time together (Natalie included) doing what we love... SHOPPING!
Later that day my parents took Natalie and Luke back to Arp with them for a few days. They needed a little "Grand-baby" time. In fact, I didn't even have to ask them this time. Chris and I had been looking forward to this little vacation for a while and we are excited to be able to spend time together without the kids!
Overall, it was an AWESOME Christmas with my hubby, kiddos and family! I agree with Chris that very well may be our best Christmas yet... But I think they will only get better with time!
I am so very blessed and I thank God each and every day for the amazing blessings He has given me! If it weren't for Him and these blessings, we would not have had the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! Thank you Lord!

God is Good... ALL THE TIME!