
Friday, November 8, 2013

Trick or Treat... Oh and One More Thing

November 3, 2013
Halloween 2013

Happy Belated Halloween from the Davis Family. We had a wonderful time dressing up and sharing the evening together. While living in Shawnee we always went to our Church's Fall Festival or "Trunk or Treat" event but since moving to Texas we have opted to do the traditional Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. The first year we owned our house down here we decided to pass out candy so we would not be the "only" house not passing out candy. Being new neighbors and all, we didn't want to get our house "Toilet Paper"-ed or anything. And in 2011 in our neighborhood, it was CRAZY and I would say that about 90% of the houses had candy (The good stuff) and were decorated in celebration of this holiday. In 2012 when we moved across the subdivision it was a little less houses distributing candy. This year, I would say about 40% of the houses on our street had people distributing candy. We were one of these houses and the lack of appreciation from the people "Trick or Treating" was unbelievable. We had more teenagers and ADULTS coming to get our candy than I have ever witnessed or could even imagine. And let me tell you, they had a lot of nerve saying "I don't want this one... Can I have that one?" The 1st few times, I played the nice neighbor and let them trade. After several kids saying this, the teacher in me came out and said "You get what you get and you DON'T THROW A FIT"! Seriously, these kids were so greedy and unappreciative! Needless to say, we will be returning to our tradition of the Church Fall Festival. But enough of that!

My kids were all smiles! 

My little "Princess"... Snow White! 

Natalie and Luke- Halloween 2013

The previous night at AWANA Music time, we were learning a school called "I want to Everybody About Jesus". I used this time to tell the 3 and 4 year olds that you can tell ANYBODY about Jesus just about anytime. Any and every time can be used to share your love for Jesus with others. I explained that when you go "Trick or Treating" the next night all you have to do to tell others about Jesus is say "Trick or Treat. Jesus loves you". I was explaining this to 3 and 4 years while they are anxious to get up and dance and play maracas so I didn't expect it to stick with them. The following night as we were getting ready for our Neighborhood "Trick or Treating" Natalie started to practice what she was going to say and said "Trick or Treat. Jesus loves you". She was so proud of herself. I was proud of her too! 

As we ventured up and down our neighborhood streets, Natalie was persistent in telling OTHERS ABOUT JESUS and she was constantly coming back to me saying "Mommy, I told them about Jesus. Are you proud of me?" Absolutely, Natalie Grace! I am incredibly proud of you! 

My little Natalie Grace is FOUR YEARS OLD and she told our entire neighborhood about Jesus on the most Pagan holiday of the calendar! I have never been MORE PROUD! 

I love you Natalie Grace and I am so proud of you! I pray you will continue to tell others about Jesus and share your love for Christ with others! 

God is good... ALL THE TIME!