
Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Journey to Better Health

February 2014
"Over 120 pounds GONE... For GOOD"

Chris and I have both been over-weight the majority of our lives but all of it came to a screeching halt when Chris attended a Health and Wellness program at his school in early October. Our eyes were opened and we took action... With Plexus! 

Chris’ story
In Mid-October when I was at my heaviest of all time, I attended a Health Fair at my School District where I was told I was “Morbidly Obese” and a “Stroke waiting to happen”. My blood pressure was at a scary high of 160/102 and my cholesterol was high enough the nurse suggested I begin a medication. I was also border-line diabetic. A friend of ours from Oklahoma and Plexus Ambassador, Kay Hawkins, had been posting about Plexus on Facebook and sent my wife and I information about it but I was very hesitant because of the cost and I thought it was just another “diet-fad”. Boy was I wrong. Since starting in November I have lost over 80 pounds, reduced my blood pressure to a normal 115/73, lowered my cholesterol and have started jogging a mile a day again. I LOVE to eat and my wife and I are real “Foodies”. We love to cook and eat out and try new foods. Even though we are losing weight and using Plexus, we are still able to do the things we love. We still go out and celebrate each other and our accomplishments as well as cook amazing meals at home. Plexus is anything but another “diet-fad” and it has literally changed my life. As of February, Kellie and I are able to make enough to pay for our own products as well as make a pretty decent profit. We are both hoping to get “Gem” status soon and with results as good as ours, we are on our way! Thank you Plexus! 

Chris's Before Pictures- November 3, 2013

Kellie’s Story
I have struggled with my weight all of my life. I can remember being in junior high and being one of the larger girls in my class. In high school and college I was always worried and obsessed with my weight to the point of even having an eating disorder. Once I got married I wasn't as obsessed about my weight as much but this made me just gain more weight. In 2010 I lost 65 pounds but shortly afterwards got pregnant with our 2nd child. This pregnancy led to a gain of about 50 pounds and even after the birth of Luke I was still gaining. It wasn't until I looked through pictures from a cruise Chris and I took in August of 2013 that my eyes were opened to just how heavy I really was. Starting in September a good friend of ours and Plexus Ambassador, Kay Hawkins, had given us so much information about Plexus and even sent us a 7 day trial pack for each of us. On day 3 of the trial pack, I was hooked and knew this is what I needed. I was not hungry and craving junk food and cupcakes, I didn't have the almost daily headaches anymore and I just felt AMAZING! We began our official Plexus journey on November 4th and since then I have lost 45 pounds and am now back down to my Pre-Baby weight. I have not felt this good inside and OUT in as long as I can remember! 

Kellie's Before Pictures- November 3, 2013 

The DURING Pictures: 
We have to remember... "Slow and Steady Wins the race" 

Thanksgiving 2013- Approximately 25 pounds lost combined 
(Within the 1st month!)

December 2013- Kellie had lost close to 20 pounds at this point.

December 2013- I feel SO MUCH better!

January 2014- Chris looks like a new person and dropped over 60 pounds!

January 28, 2013- 65 pounds GONE for good! 

January 31, 2013- Combined we had lost 100+ pounds! 

February 24, 2013- Over 120 Pounds gone and still going strong! 

This product and company has changed our lives forever! We have gotten our lives back thanks to Plexus and we want to share it with EVERYONE we know! 

What are YOU waiting for? Want to change YOUR life too? You can with Plexus! 

Thank you Lord for these amazing results! 

God is good... All the Time! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Luke- A Recap

February 10, 2014 
"This boy is a Whirlwind of FUN" 

From the time I can remember I have ALWAYS wanted a little boy. God certainly knew what He was doing when he gave us Luke (THANK YOU, LORD). Coming from a family of 2 girls, I have never really been around boys and seen all of their WILD and CRAZY characteristics. But at 20 months old, I have just begun to see this crazy boy side!

Just in the last 4-6 months I have seen Luke start to develop a very honery personality! He will run into the kitchen and throw a toy on the floor and then smile and run away. Better yet, he will come and tell you that he has a stinky diaper by saying "St-y" and then pointed to his bottom but then run away. I smile and sometimes freak-out but everyone I know is laughing at me thinking "Yeah, he is a BOY"!

While he is not as fluent with words as Natalie was at this age, he is learning new words EVERY DAY and is now beginning to talk UP A STORM! And I am thinking "No, no go back to baby talk" because I remember when Natalie began to talk a lot and now I can't even remember her NOT talking!

He is now running everywhere instead of walking and can even climb our stairs without help. In fact, he doesnt want our help. He is going through is independent phase right now. This scares me because Natalie has yet to leave this phase so... Yikes! Y'all better start praying for me now!

He eats and eats AND EATS! I thought Chris could pack the food away... Oh no, this boy is going to run us out of house and home when he is a teenager! I guess I better start saving NOW!

Super Bowl Sunday and Luke is ready to go!

I LOVE that he likes to wear ties and bow-ties!

Sissy has turned him into a Carousel LOVIN' Machine! 

Absolutely Priceless!

Luke and Daddy spending quality "Guy time" watching TV! 

Like Sissy, he too LOVE Gigi Jackie! 

My two boys...Poor Oxford is not quite sure of him yet! 

Christmas was a glorious time with Luke but from the very
beginning he thought the ornaments were
"b-all"s! Luckily ours were the shatterproof kind! 

My little boy is losing his baby-ness!
It doesn't get much cuter than this!

God really knew what He was doing when he gave me Luke. There are days when I wonder why I wanted such a honery boy, but then I look at Luke with all his cuteness and I just melt! He will FOREVER be my "Baby Luke". Stop growing up Luke... Mommy cant take it anymore! 

Thank You, Lord for Baby Luke! 

I love you "Lukey"!

God is Good... All the Time! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Welcome Back

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 
"It's been a while"

Hello, my name is Kellie Davis and I am a Christian, wife, mother, teacher and blogger! It has been well over 2 months since I last blogged and it feels good to be back! 

A lot has happened in that last 2+ months. We have had numerous family outings, holidays, trips and so much more. Not to mention my kids have grown SO MUCH! I guess the old saying is true "Time flies when you are having fun". 

Thanksgiving 2013 
This was a holiday spent with the "Klingsick" side of the family (MY parents). This turned out to a very adventurous week. It began with lots and lots of cleaning and grocery shopping. My parents had just returned from a Caribbean cruise just a week before and had a difficult time re-adjusting to the somewhat frigid temps of Texas instead of the gorgeous Caribbean weather of 80*. They each had a small cough and cold but luckily no-one else got sick. My mom, however, had to go to the minor emergency room on Friday afternoon for a major ear infection. She was miserable and wanted to have fun but just wasn't up to it! But despite this hiccup the holiday went off without a hitch. 

We had an amazing feast including our annual "Deep Fried Turkey" (Chris Davis style of course... lots of cajun seasonings) with all the traditional fixins. We also had our Annual Bake Off Challenge that Allison, Chris and I competed in. This year's challenge was PIE. Allison ended up winning this year with an Apple Crumb Pie. I was told that if mine would have set up correctly mine would have won but instead it was just White Chocolate Soup!
Allison with her WINNING Apple Crumb Pie. It was tasty!

Me with my White Silk Pie... It was very good but the texture was off!
More like soup!

Chris and his Sweet Potato Pie.
A Southern Favorite and EVERYONE loved it!

I LOVE my beautiful family!

Christmas 2013 

Christmas 2013 at AEBC

Our annual Santa visit

This was the holiday to spend with the "Davis" side of the family (Chris' Parents). We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Dan and Jackie's but we decided we would travel to Arp to be with my family the weekend before. This was a wonderful trip of hanging out at my parents house and just being together. Usually when we go to Arp we go in to Tyler at some point, which while it is fun, it can also be a hassle sometimes with taking multiple cars and making multiple trips. This trip we just stayed and relaxed. The kids got an ENORMOUS amount of toys from my mom and dad as well as sister. It was such a joy to see their faces as they opened each gift up! 

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we spent time with Chris' family including his brother John and his wife Leeanna as well as Chris' sister D'Ann. This was a wonderful time as usual with eating and gift opening and so much more. 

Of course we had to do our annual "Happy Birthday Jesus" celebration with singing and cake! I LOVE this tradition. Luke even got in on it this year! Jesus really is the REASON for the SEASON and I will continued to have this tradition every year!  
Natalie with the "Happy Birthday Jesus" cupcake! 

The rest of our Christmas vacation was spent cleaning and organizing parts of the house that have not been touched in well over a year as well as spending time just the 4 of us doing activities such as the carousel at the mall and the park! 

Bouncing Bears in Cypress. 

Natalie getting her new Build-a-Bear dog stuffed.
Emily is her name and we just LOVE her! 

January 2014 
Happy New Year! We had a wonderful New Years Eve of relaxing and reflecting on our 2013! The rest of our January has been spent working on our New Years Resolutions such as weight loss, organization, more blogging (As today is February 5th and I am just getting back into it... oops) and lots more family time. 

Family Fun in the park!

Their faces are just priceless!

Both of our districts had snow days in January... very odd since we are in HOUSTON! But nonetheless we got an extra day to spend AT HOME with our kiddos! God provides blessings all the time, even when we don't expect it! 

The past 3 months have been marvelous and I cannot wait to see what else is in store for the Davis family in 2014! 

God is Good... All the Time!