
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What a crazy and yet AMAZING December

My December has been so crazy. Of course, December for a musician is ALWAYS crazy but this year was just out of control. Here is what my schedule looked like:

December 3rd- I took my 3rd Graders to Rose Manor Nursing Home to sing to the residents

December 9th- I took my 4th graders to sing to Rose Manor; I also had a Pep Band Basketball game that night
Rose Manor is ALWAYS my favorite time of the Christmas Season. I have always been a fan of going to a nursing home and singing or playing my saxophone for it's residents. I used to play fr my hometown's nursing home once a month. I also played at the nursing home in Norman while in college. I think it is really important for our young students to get out and show a service to their community and this is a great way to do so. We go and sing Christmas Carols and walk up and down the halls giving out cards, ornaments and candy canes. The adults and students alike love it. It is my favorite thing of all!

December 10th- "Grove's Got Talent" Vocal Auditions
"Grove's Got Talent" is a school wide talent show that I developed to help the band department at Grove. It is similar to "America's Got Talent" and this was the vocal auditions (#3) for the whole school. This failed miserably due to technical difficulties and just bad luck I guess. I was "boo"ed by the students for making them go back to class and several sets of parents were not happy with me and told me why. It was a terrible day!

December 10, 11 and 12th- IBC "The Promise of Christmas" Musical Production
This was the annual "Cantata" or music program at my church. I am the orchestra director there so we had been working on this for weeks but it was time to perform. It actually went REALLY well but just time consuming!

December 13th- Grove Christmas Band Concert
We always have 1 in the daytime and 1 at night. This year since Chris had not been working he piked p the trumpet and began to play with my 5th graders 2 days a week. He was supposed to play with us on both concerts but little Miss Natalie decided to get sick that weekend so we had to take her to the doctor instead. It turned out she had an ear infection so daddy could not make either concerts. This was sad for me because I was really looking forward to having Chris play with us and this was the VERY FIRST TIME that I did not have ANY family member in attendance. Good thing I have it on DVD! Natalie is feeling much better now... Thank you Lord!

December 14th- Redo of "Grove's Got Talent" vocal auditions
Thank goodness we were able to reschedule as quick as we did. This made it a little easier for me. We had 16 students sing and they were ALL AMAZING! We had a student with special need come up and sing and it really touched my heart! Not a dry eye in the place! Amazing!

December 15th- IBC Orchestra Christmas Party
Not a performance or anything but just alot of work on my part!

December 16th- Grove Elementary musical "The Incredible Reindeer"
Just like the band concert... we have 2 performances. The 1st performance was OK but the music didn't work right . Then the evening performance was AMAZING! I think it was my best Elementary musical to date at Grove. Chris and Natalie were able to attend! It was great!

December 17th- Rose Manor Nursing Home Band Trip
I took my 7th and 8th Grade Band members to Rose Manor to perform their Christmas concert for its residents. It was awesome! I think we will need to take them on tour and visit my own grandma in Wichita, KS!
Also on this day I was name the "Grove Teacher of the Year". This was a surprise because I was up against 4 of the best teachers in our school. Seriously... they were all awesome. I was shocked.

This just goes to show that God works in mysterious ways! It also show that God is working all the time. He gives us blessings when we need them the most! I am so lucky to work at such a wonderful school. Even if I am stressed to all get out and pulled myself way too thin... God works it all out. He can do this for you too! All you have to do is ask!

Thank you Lord for your many blessings! Thank you Grove faculty and staff for your kindness in voting for me. I am lucky to be working with you!

All of that happened in December but the most important thing of all has yet to happen. Jesus Christ was born for you and me because he loves us. Don't forget... Jesus is the Reason for the Season!


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