
Friday, June 3, 2011

Songs of Faith- Part 2: Great is thy Faithfulness

It has been a long and hard fought 19 months but by the Grace of God, Chris, Natalie and I have made it through to this day. On October 18, 2009 Chris was laid off his job at Velocity Express in OKC. Our precious Natalie was only 6 weeks old at the time and all seemed so hopeless. Chris and I prayed each night for a job to become available to him so we could provide for little Natalie. Days and weeks passed and nothing seemed to come to us. We never lost the faith. We kept praying and reading our Bibles together, even having devotionals together. Weeks turned into months and then an entire year. It seemed like it was NEVER going to end.

It was about November 2010 when I began to encourage Chris to look into teaching. He didn't really like the idea at first but as additional weeks and months passed he began to see the necessity of finding a job. While on Christmas vacation in Houston, Chris decided to enroll in a program called Texas Teachers which helps people get certified to teach in Texas. Chris, Natalie and I left Texas that January morning with intentions of having a better life in the very near future. About 5 months later, after 100s of hours of online courses and studying for certification tests, Chris was offered a job at Aldine 9th Grade Center in Houston, TX to teach 9th Grade Algebra.

Of course, we all this all to our good and Faithful God. Each and every morning during my prayer time and each evening before I would go to bed, I would sing one of my favorite hymns: Great is thy Faithfulness. I used this song most of my adult life to help me get through difficult times such as this. The words are so simple yet so deep.

Verse 1:
Great is thy Faithfulness
Oh God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Lord, unto me
Great is thy Faithfulness
Great if Thy Faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed thy hand hath provided
Great is they Faithfulness
Lord, unto me

(Verse 2 was always a real tear jerker so I will include it as well)
Verse 2
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hopes for tomorrow
Blessings are thine with 10,000 beside.

These words are really all that got me through most days. I often times would sing this song during the day and even wake up at night humming this song and crying at its most powerful words. During this last month while Chris was in Houston interview and I was at home by myself, I spent many additional hours at school just practicing my saxophone and playing this hymn over and over. This really is my life-song!

God truly is amazing and if he can do this is my life, he can do it in yours. If you don't know him as your personal saviour, take time to say a prayer and ask him to come and live in your heart. This could be YOUR story one day!

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