
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Songs of Faith- "Wherever He leads I'll Go"

Well, I have been in Houston for 10 days now and have had about that many interviews for possible Music/ Band positions since getting down here. Most of the places I have interviewed are not going to be able to officially offer the position until after July 4th but some have said this coming week. All my life I have had to play the "Hurry Up and Wait" game. Once again this is a lesson in patience. Of course I have shared with you many times my dis-like of this lesson. For example; I carried Natalie Grace 43 weeks before she finally decided to make her arrival, Chris and I also had to wait 17 months before even being able to conceive this wonderful blessing called Natalie Grace and most recently, Chris and I had to wait 20 months for him to find a job. Now the time has come and I am looking for a job. I feel very confident in being able to get a job but I know that this too is just another lesson in patience.
I have had an offer given to me but it just doesn't seem like the right job for me and my life right now. It is not centrally located to my current living situation nor is it the type of job that I really want for me and my career in the long run. In addition to all of this, it is not the type of school I would like to be teaching in. All of these things lead me to believe it is not where God wants me to be. I keep holding out for more or a better job, even though I KNOW this is not the right job (at least I don't think so). I woke up last night with the song "Wherever He leads I'll Go". I sat up immediately and began thinking "Why would I be thinking of that song?" I was then led back to this job situation and began to pray and ask God to lead me. I then began to recall the rest of this song:
Wherever He Leads I'll Go
Take up thy cross and follow me
I heard my Master say
"I gave My life to Ransom thee
Surrender your all today"
Wherever He Leads I'll Go
Wherever He Leads I'll Go
I follow my Christ who loves me so
Wherever He Leads I'll Go
This may not be the situation that I envisioned but it may the one God did. I just have to be open to his plan and be willing to go wherever he takes me. I know God will provide for me the right job at the right place/ school and at the RIGHT TIME! I just have to be patient! Thank you Lord for Your continued blessings!
Wherever You lead I'll Go!

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