
Friday, October 14, 2011

Music Ministers...

I am a music teacher and music fanatic and so I know this will be hard for you to believe but I LOVE music. I would guess at least 50% of my posts have something to do with music or a song I heard that really touched me or spoke to me. While at orchestra rehearsal on Wednesday night we were preparing for our Christmas Musical and at the very end of rehearsal we sang "He Will Carry You". This has always been a song that has spoken to me and touched me. We have been singing it as our last song for at least 2 months at orchestra/ choir practice and during those 2 months I have listened to the song and prayed as the choir sang for God to carry me through any tough and burden-some trials I happen to be going through. This Wednesday night, in particular, this song really spoke to my heart. As I have mentioned on earlier posts, my family and I have a lot going on right now and we must remember to look to God. One situation in particular I have put at the feet of Jesus and just asked Him to take it.

The song lyrics speak out to the Power of our Lord and Saviour. Whatever your problem might be, look to Jesus and He will carry you!

There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
God cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot solve it
There is no sorrow too deep
God cannot soothe it

If He carried the weight of the world, up on His shoulders
I know my brother that He will carry you
If He carried the weight of the world, up on His shoulders
I know, my sister that He will carry you

He said come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest

At the end of rehearsal on Wednesday a woman shared that "Music really does minister". These words really stuck out to me as being true. I began to think about the songs that have been important in my life and how singing and playing these songs and really focusing on the words of these songs have pulled me through many tough situations. The woman went on to say that every time we perform "He Will Carry You" she tears up with joy and thankfulness for the Almighty power of the Lord. What a wonderful testimony that was and it is so true and evident in my life as well. Throughout the previous 2 months I have faced new situations and trials that come with new jobs, new locations and moving but through it all, He has carried me and will continue to carry me. This Wednesday in particular I sang and listened to the song and said a prayer of thankfulness for Him carrying me through this far.

This song and idea of "music ministers"leads me to the scripture in His word:
"The Lord your God is in your midst
The Might One will save
He will rejoice over you with gladness
He will quiet you with His love
He will rejoice over you with singing"

Zephaniah 3:17 (NKJV)
These words speak to us that we not only sing in His glory but He "rejoices over us with singing". This draws my mind to a newborn baby and a mother singing over him as he sleeps. God sings over me and he will sing over you too if you let Him.

God is good and He will carry YOU! The song and the scripture say "There is NO problem TOO BIG!" Whatever you might be facing today, GIVE IT TO GOD! Lay it at His feet and let him take it! He will carry you! He will carry you!

God is Good... All the Time!

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