
Saturday, November 12, 2011

"A brother or a sister?"

Chris and I found out we are going to have another baby about a month ago and since then we have been trying to inform Natalie about the upcoming changes in both her life and Mommy's life. We have been informing her how she will no longer be able to jump on Mommy and play rough with Mommy and how soon mommy will not be able to hold her as often. Just this past week we were able to explain how Mommy has a baby in her tummy. The previous weeks she would say "baby in Mommy's tummy" and then go over to Chris, Gigi and Grandpa and say the same thing. At one point she even lifted her shirt or dress and said "Look, baby in Natalie's tummy!" We thought that was too funny and we took time to explain that the baby is only in Mommy's tummy.

This past week after she realized the baby was in Mommy's tummy, she would come up to me and say "Natalie hug baby" or "Natalie kiss baby". Since then she has given the baby a hug and kiss every night before bed. It fits so well into our nightly routine and it makes me smile seeing Natalie react this way to our news and family changes.

The only thing that makes me a little nervous and laugh is her reaction to the question:
"Natalie, do you want a brother or a sister?"
Her response is ALWAYS "Natalie want brother AND sister!" We have to stop and tell her that it is EITHER a brother or a sister! She says "No brother and sister." She is insistent on one of each. We will not be able to know if we are having a boy or a girl until January but for Natalie's sake, we need to know NOW!

I love my Natalie Grace and my growing family! God is Good.. ALL THE TIME!

1 comment:

  1. lol - so fun! Micaiah keeps insisting ours is a penguin and it's a brother AND a sister, as well. Though, we've told her there is only one; in which case, she has decided it's a sister penguin - lol. We're keeping it a surprise anyway and hope she's not too disappointed if she's wrong :)
