
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Week 2011: Day #5

Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday 2011
Today and I grateful for many things but I am most grateful that I made it out alive of the Black Friday Sales. My family and I went to several Midnight deals and got some incredible steals. We began with Toys R Us who opened at 9pm on Thanksgiving night. We noticed the parking lot was full but failed to see the 1/3 mile+ line wrapped around the back of the store. At 9pm the security officer told us that they are going to only let 15 people in at a time every 10 minutes. We thought that was crazy but we decided to get into line anyway. Well the officer did not lie to us or over-exaggerate... they really only let 15 people in at a time every 10 minutes!!! This was very frustrating since we only moved about 50 yards or so between 9 and 9:35pm. We gave up and tried Walmart.

Wow... this was an experience I will NEVER forget. We got there about 10 minutes before the 10pm toys and other deals were revealed. We got into the ticket line for a few large items I was purchasing for my family and in-laws (Cannot reveal the items since these people read my blog!!!!) As I was getting into my line a few people decided to try to take 1 of the 12 volt Convertible Cars before the 10pm time slot. All of the sudden a Walmart associate comes running screaming "It is not 10 yet". She then calls security. I lean over the isle to see about 10-20 ADULTS fighting over a Barbie Car. One guy jumped on top of the 5 remaining cars and yells if I can take one, then no one can. Tyler Police Officers came running and then shoving and pushing began. All in all, one person was arrested and there was a lot of blood on the floor. All for a Barbie Car!!! Sorry Natalie Grace, you do NOT get one of those.

I had my mom wait in the line for my sister's gift and Allison wait in line for my mom's gift. Mom's line had a ticket and so we knew we would get that item because we were #27 out of 81 people. Allison's line did not have tickets and an associate in Electronics told her "Just stand over there and form a line and at midnight we will bring them out". Well thanks lady, we knew that. Allison was the fourth person in this line. Dad and I kept going and getting all the other stuff on our lists and checking on mom and Allison. Dad and I noticed that the electronics was a little crazy as midnight approached so we left mom in line with her ticket and came to help Allison. I got there about 11:40 and the manager told us to get in line for the Electronics cashier and then tell what you want and he will give it to us. Ummm... No sir. I got up there and told him we had been in line for 2+ hours and just getting in the already 10 people deep electronic line would not work. People on the other side of electronics were in line for Ipods and they started cursing at the manager and yelling and more fights broke out. Eventually, they had the electronic cashier line wait so my line and the Ipod line could get our items! As I was leaving a large family said "I hope you are happy with your item!" I turned around and said "You bet I am! Merry Christmas!" What an adrenaline rush!! I am sorry they had to wait for us but we had been in line for 2+ hours! I got my item so all is well!

We got almost EVERYTHING I went for at Walmart and my family and in-laws will appreciate my efforts when they get their gifts!!!! At about 12:30am we left Walmart and went to Macy's. Mom and Allison got a few items there and I got another gift. I then tried to go back to Toys R Us for my small toys for Natalie. But of course, all the rest of Tyler was there at 9pm and got all of my items. I was able to get one toy for Natalie but all of the others were sold out already. Finally, my dad took me to Best Buy to try to get items for my brother and sister in-laws. It was about 1am and there was still a line outside of Best Buy so I will have to get their gifts later!

We came home about 2am and went to sleep. We left the house about 10am and got back at it today. We only lasted about 3 hours before we came home for someones nap... And I DON'T mean Natalie! Yeah... I had to take a nap too!

Overall, I got all of the gifts I wanted to get and more. I have such a giving spirit this year and I cannot wait to continue this feeling throughout the holiday season. Without the grace of God and His continued blessings on me and my family, I would not have this opportunity. As I mentioned in previous posts, I am incredibly lucky to have the ability to give back this year and I thank God for this ability.

This Thanksgiving week I have taken time to be thankful and grateful for God's blessings but I could take the rest of the year and the days until next Thanksgiving to count all of my blessings ONE BY ONE!

God is good... ALL THE TIME!!!!

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