
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Prenatal Visit #3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Heartbeat
Today I went in for my 3 month prenatal visit. I was 13 weeks and 1 day. Things are still looking great and I was "right where I need to be" in the words of my doctor. He checked to make sure all was well and the due date was the same (I am not sure how he can still judge this but... he did). I am still due June 19, 2012 and he will take him/her on June 10-12.

I seemed to have gained a little more weight than I would have liked to but the doctor didn't seem to be too worried about it. I was the one that brought it up and his response, much like that of my husband, was "You're pregnant". You see I had worked long and hard (over a year) to lose the 65 pounds I had lost right before I found out I was pregnant. Since the beginning of this school year I had dwindled off my very strict diet little by little but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I began to eat like a normal person again and I think my body has just now caught up to my eating change. I have not really been eating for two yet but I have not been sick this time around either (I am not complaining about this!!!!) Overall I have gained about 6 pounds in my 13 weeks of pregnancy. That is a lot to me and I just look at the scale and begin to get depressed thinking about how hard I worked to get down to a good weight and now watching those numbers get higher and higher each week/ month/ doctor visit. In spite of the holiday food craves coming, I have been pretty good this past week in eating healthy. I have tried to stay away from sweets and only eat fruits and vegetables as often as I can. Hopefully next time (only 10 days after the holidays are over!!!!) I will not have gained so much!

I have officially begun my 2nd trimester and I am feeling GREAT (Thus far). Compared to Natalie Grace and her pregnancy, I barely even know I am pregnant half the time. I have only gotten morning sickness a few times in my 1st trimester and I have not been too weak or mental exhausted like last time. I have been tired but I blame that more on the fact I have to get up at 5am each and every day for school not my pregnancy. I am hoping this lack of sickness and problems means it is a boy!!!

Most important from this doctor's visit was the location and hearing of the heartbeat. The doctor was able to locate the baby and find it's heartbeat rather quickly and I got to hear that precious "pitter-patter" of yet another miracle and blessing from Above. It is amazing how faint and small that sound is yet so powerful. I am amazed after hearing that how people can end this life of such a blessing just because it is not a good time for them. That makes me so sad. I am so very grateful and blessed God has chosen me to be this little boy/ girl's mother and I cannot wait for June 19 to get here!
Thank you Lord for Your continued blessings.

I go in for a "gender check" on January 11 and as long as the baby cooperates, I will know if I have my little boy or not! THINK BLUE please!!!! Either way... it is a dream come true and a true blessing from God!

God is Good... All the Time!

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