
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Prenatal Visit #4

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Gender Check

Today I went into my doctor's office for my fourth prenatal check-up. I was 17 weeks and 1 day. This check-up was extra special because it was during this check-up that we were able to do an ultrasound gender check to see if our little angel was going to be a girl or a boy. Chris was able to get off of work a little early and come and meet me at the doctor's office in The Woodlands.

When we arrived we had to wait about 20 minutes before they called us back for the ultrasound. When we did get to go back the nice tech told us "Since this is a gender check, by law we are only able to look for the sex of the baby and we will not be able to look at any other part of the baby or take any other measurements." I was so anxious to find the sex, I barely understood what she said and meant. She put the goop stuff on my stomach and then looked and almost immediately found the baby and his private parts. Yes... That is right, IT'S A BOY! She took about 3 pictures and then turned off the machine. We were in the room for less than 5 minutes. I immediately went back to the waiting room and called my family while Chris did the same with his family.

After another 10 minute wait, it was time to go back and see my OB for the monthly check-up. The nurse first checked my weight to find that I have NOT GAINED ANY weight since my last check-up. I was thrilled since between #2-3 I gained 6 pounds and THIS TIME IT WAS DURING THE HOLIDAYS! I was very proud! She then took my blood pressure and as usual it was a great number of 120/70. She also used the Doppler to find Luke's heartbeat which was 152 bpm. She asked me a lot of questions about how I was feeling as well as other things but the strangest question she asked was rather or not I wanted to have my tubes tied after the C-section procedure. I was so happy about it being a boy, I quickly responded laughingly "Sure." But Chris sat across the room and said "Oh no, we will wait". It was clear at that time that he still wants MORE THAN TWO! The nurse informed me that I have until the morning of the scheduled C-Section to make up my mind. Although it was kinda weird to think about this being the end to my family! I will only be 29 at the time of Luke's delivery.

After that, Dr. Markos came in and did some other measurements and told me all was going well and I looked good. He then spent a few minutes recommending pediatricians for not only Luke but Natalie as well. At the end of the visit he sent me to the lab to do some mandatory blood work for the 16-20 week check-up. They tested for spinabifida, age related sickness and a few other things. He told me if there was a abnormality, he would call me. It is Saturday and I have yet to receive a call... NO NEWS is GOOD NEWS!

I go back on February 13 for my 21 week (Mid-point) check up and it is at this time that they will perform the mid-point ultrasound where they check the measurement of Luke's head, internal organs and heart. This should give us an updated or confirmation of our official due date. At this time the due date is still June 19 but Dr. Markos will take Luke on the 12th.

That means we now have less than 5 months to get ready for this true life-changing event. We have lots and LOTS of pink but no blue. Me and my family will take care of this!!! In fact, that very day my mom left work early and went and purchased Luke his first outfit!

This was a the best check-up yet! I have been ALL SMILES since then! As always...


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