
Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's been ELEVEN years... (Recap Part 1)

May 25, 2001
Arp High School Graduation
Arp, Texas

It was a scorching 98 degrees outside and we were all lining up to get ready to start the processional to the football field from the Band Hall. I had arrived in my sundress with sunscreen and sunglasses in place. My mom had helped me put on the Maroon Gown and Cap. I was already sweating with excitement and the fact that well... it was MAY IN TEXAS! Mrs. Vaughn had come in and asked us to get into our order. I got into my 6th position behind a great friend of mine, Arethra. With my dad on one side and my mom on the other we began our trek across the goal line through the field goals to our seats. We walked down the main aisle and parted ways as my parents took their seats on the first row and I did the same amongst the other AHS graduates.

The ceremony I do not recall as well as I was just struck with other emotions and feelings. This school and community I had so desperately wanted to "get away" from was actually letting me "get away". I was headed to The University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK to do what I had always dreamed of doing... teaching music and band. It was almost like my entire teenage years flashed before my eyes and I saw my past and yet somehow saw my future as well. I listened to good friends give Valedictorian and Salutatorian addresses and it was about time for me to sing "I Will Remember You". I have never gotten stage fright or nervous about performing but this was different. I felt as if I was being heard by the entire world. The words to this song were so simple yet powerful at the same time.

I will remember you
But will you remember me
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I really listened and heard the line "Don't let your life pass you by" and as I tried to recap the previous 6 years of my life in Arp, Texas, I couldn't help but smile. Sure they were not what I would have pictured but they worked for me. I then looked into my future and saw a much different picture. You see, if you would have asked me 11 years ago where I would be on that day in the future... Some things would be accurate and others would not! But as I look back upon this date in history, I see a beautiful teenage life that I took for granted.

A great teacher friend of mine from Grove told me once (Well more than once), "Don't wish your life away". Anytime I would come into the lounge and say "Only ____ days left til _____" she would tell me not to wish it all away. She told me to just enjoy it while you can. Sure there were days were I just wanted to get out of there and go home but I still need to enjoy each and every waking moment of my life.

If you would have asked me 11 years ago where I thought I would be in the future (2011-2012) I would have painted a picture of a marriage and family and a band directing career. In fact, many people asked me this question as I was completing high school and exiting my small hometown of Arp, TX to go to college at OU in Norman, OK. I told them I wanted to have a family and be doing what I love... TEACHING! I knew that GOD WAS IN CONTROL!!!

Well... God has been good to me and as I sit here typing this blog, I have all that I described and MORE. It may not have been the EXACT way I would have depicted it but it is all there. And I am so very blessed to have it all.

God is Good... ALL the Time!

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