
Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Reflections 2012: "Mama's Gonna Cry"

Friday, May 11, 2012
"Mama's Gonna Cry"

This past Sunday our church celebrated the graduating Seniors with a special recognition service, musical performance and sermon. The service and recognition was not as special to me as it has been in the past since I have not taught any of these students. During the previous 2 ceremonies at Immanuel Baptist Church in Shawnee, OK I had taught a great number of the students recognized so it was extra special to me. Being new to Conroe and Mims Baptist Church, not only had I not taught any of these students but I don't even know most of them. However, the sermon really touched mine and Chris' hearts.

Our Pastor, Bro. Gene, was preaching about Moses and the story of his famous parents, Amram and Jochebed. He started this story off with an illustration about "mamas". During the recognition of the graduating seniors the parents went down to the front of the sanctuary to stand alongside their children. It was here that all the "mamas" began to cry. The preacher made a reference to the fact that "Mamas Gonna Cry".

The Day the Baby was brought into this world- Mama cried
The Day he/ she took 1st steps- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she started Kindergarten- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she graduated Elementary School/ Middle School- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she started to drive- Mama cried
The Day he/ she graduated High School- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she started college- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she graduated college- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she got married- Mama Cried

Pastor Gene immediately followed this timeline scenario with the statement "Mamas Gonna Cry". I sat there in the orchestra pit tearing up thinking about my little Natalie Grace and all the "firsts" she has already experienced and the tears I have already shed for her. It is like I saw her whole life flash before my eyes. I stopped in that moment and thanked God for Natalie and the blessing she is to me.

This week, I also cried as it was the last week of "school"/ Mother's Day Out for Natalie for her 2 year old school year. She had been in Mother's Day Out at Immanuel in Shawnee but that was when she was so young and it was less of a school atmosphere. She considers this "school" and she will come home and show me her artwork or tell me what she learned or sing the song they practiced. Yesterday, was Natalie's last day of "school" for this year it was bittersweet to see her grow up and end this year. I have kept a small "treasure box" of her creations all year and they are now marked and sealed with a "2011-2012 (2 year) MDO" and under her bed. And yes, I did cry as I listened to her tell me about her last day of school yesterday and show me her "End of the Year" party treats.

Natalie's 2 year old MDO picture (2012)
Natalie's last day of MDO for 2012

However,  that was nothing compared to what I got to experience last night. Chris, Gigi Jackie and I were able to experience a VERY special EVENT in Natalie's life last night, as it was her MDO Spring Concert at Crossroad's Baptist Church. As a music teacher and performer, this was a very special moment in my life as my little "angel" got up on stage and sang to The Lord. Trust me (Chris can verify), the tears were coming down from the moment she walked into the auditorium all the way until she walked off stage! It was great to just lean over on Chris' shoulder and shed a tear or two (Or two thousand) for my little baby and the little "GIRL" she has become.

It was a beautiful program and I am so VERY VERY PROUD of my NATALIE GRACE! I know I have some special pregnancy hormones going on right now but the tears just kept coming. In spite of those hormones, I learned something last night... MAMAS ALWAYS GONNA CRY! God has truly blessed me and I am go very grateful for Natalie Grace and her soon to be brother David Luke. I am so glad to be called "MAMA"!  

Happy Mother's Day 2012!


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