
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The First Day of the REST OF MY LIFE

June 12, 2012

The day has finally arrived! My delivery Day is here!
I cannot believe it is time to meet Baby Luke! I have waited for this day for a LONG time. I have always dreamed of having a little boy and today I will meet my new prince charming!

Last night my sister drove in from Dallas for the big day and she helped calm my nerves a LOT! I was a little frazzled before she got here but once she arrived I was able to settle down and really focus on the task and event at hand! Thank you Allison for your comfort and support!

I had to do a DEEP cleaning of MYSELF last night since I will be having surgery. The doctor gave me a special soap to use to help get rid of any bacteria. This soap, called Hepiclense, is supposed to kill any bacteria on your skin prior to surgery. I had to take a long shower last night first using my own soap and then using this hospital formulated soap. I had to turn off the water and scrub with a NEW loofah for 5 minutes to prevent rinsing off the soap too early. Let me tell you.... it got REALLY COLD, REALLY FAST! I had to have Chris sit in the bathroom with a stop watch and time me to make sure I scrubbed for the whole 5 minutes. I also had to use a towel that had been washed in special detergent the day before.

In addition to cleaning myself, I had to clean my sheets and bed linens as well. I had to wash them in the special detergent as well. In fact, the nurse who gave me all of this information and performed my Pre-Op appointment told me that it was best to sleep alone the night before this surgery. So I was not even able to sleep in the same bed as my husband the night before our child was born. This was a little MUCH for me and I was a little disturbed by this aspect but we followed the rules anyway and slept in separate beds! In fact, poor Allison had to sleep on the couch! Sorry Allie!

I woke up and was not able to eat or drink ANYTHING until after the surgery! It was so tempting to just drink a sip of water but NO... I followed the rules! I was so excited about the whole thing that even though I was hungry and thirsty, I just wanted to meet my SON!

Chris took Natalie to Mother's Day Out and Allison helped me prepare for the hospital stay and get bags into the car. I had a well prepared checklist and Allison helped me make sure EVERYTHING was accounted for. I had to be at the hospital at 11am so at 10:40 we left the house. Of all things to encounter on this day, we ran into a funeral procession crossing I-45 on our way to the hospital so I was actually about 7 minutes late getting there!

As soon as we arrived my nurse, Becky, took us to our room and immediately started prepping me! I got into the boring hospital gown and made myself comfy on the hard hospital bed that would be my home for the next 48+ hours! She poked and prodded at me for what seemed like hours before she found a vein and hooked me up to an IV. I had to get 2 FULL bags of fluid before the surgery and this took some time so she got me started ASAP! After this the Anesthesiologist came in and went over the procedure with me. I was a little nervous about getting a "spinal" but this young doctor, who we all called "Skippy", reassured me it was not a big deal!

The "Before" picture...

At about 12:15 they double checked Chris' blue sterile linens and had me walk down to the Operating Room. I waved at everyone in the hall and walked to the OR!

Here I am about to walk down to the OR!

Chris waited in the hall of the Or while they gave me the "spinal". Well, let me tell you, "Skippy" was WRONG! The "spinal" WAS A BIG DEAL! It began with the head Anesthesiologist poking me in the back trying to get the right spot in my spine. He did not have any luck so he tried again... AND AGAIN... AND AGAIN!

Dr. Markos arrived and had already "scrubbed in" and was waiting so he came around and had me lean in his chest to better help push my spine out. Let me tell you, this was AWKWARD and a little uncomfortable! I had my head in my OB/GYN's chest for nearly 10 minutes... just starring at his grey chest hair! Yeah... a little weird. After 5 pokes, the head anesthesiologist called for the department lead to come and try to find the right spot. I had been in the Or for about 30 minutes now and no baby! In fact, I didn't even have the drugs yet. Finally the Department lead arrived and tried to poke me. He tried and tried and finally after another 2 pokes (IN MY SPINE) he found it! After 7 pokes I was hooked up to the good stuff and the process FINALLY got underway.

Dr. Markos asked me what kind of music I liked and I said JAZZ so he plugged in his iPhone and so it began! They did the usual "pinch" to make sure the drugs were working and then went and got Chris. He was anxiously waiting and wondering why it was taking so long! Chris came in and they began. "Skippy" told me they had begun at about 1:18pm. I was so nervous, scared and ready ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Chris was right there holding my hand! I began to tear up just thinking about God's Amazing Grace and blessings on me and my family!

For what seemed like hours they kept cutting and getting closer to Baby Luke. Finally, "Skippy" told me he was coming out! I didn't hear crying so I immediately got a little nervous! But then low and behold... Baby Luke entered the world. He was not near as loud as his sister was but he was loud nonetheless!


At 1:30pm David Luke Davis entered the world! I was so very happy and grateful for this gift God had given me. Just like his sister, he was greeted with doctors and nurses commenting on his "big-ness". Dr. Markos said "Wow, he is a big boy!" Dr. Young, who was the C-Section Assist Doctor, said "Wow, he is healthy and big". This was a shock to me since at 36 week he only weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces. We expected a 7 pound baby! Yet again, God had other plans! Luke weighed 8 pounds and 12 ounces and was 19 inches long!

They continued to sew me up and Chris was able to go over to see the nurses work on and clean Baby Luke! I was anxiously waiting to see and hold him. I just kept laying there helplessly singing "GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS" to myself. Poor "Skippy" got me a Kleenex and wiped my tears while Chris was away looking at the baby! After a few minutes, they wrapped up Luke and Chris brought him over to me! I reached over and kissed his cheek and just cried and cried.
"Wow, He's a BIG boy", Dr. Markos said.

At about 2:00pm they wheeled me out of the OR back to my room where all of our family was waiting. They all took a look at Baby Luke and then waited in the hallway while I got cleaned up and then nursed Luke! Around 2:45pm everyone came back into the room to hold and touch Baby Luke!

Daddy holding Luke for the 1st time! Makes me tear up a bit!

It was amazing to see all the grandparents hold him and just glow from EAR TO EAR! Dan and Jackie compared him to Chris and his siblings and even Dan's siblings while my parents just starred at his beauty! Everyone was so grateful for a healthy baby and delivery!

Grandpa Dan holding Baby Luke for the 1st time. He is very proud!

Poppy holding Luke for the 1st time. He has always wanted a boy!
It took a grandchild but HE GOT IT!

Gigi Jackie holding Baby Luke... She thought he looked like Chris as a baby!
(More on that in a later post)

Gigi Shirley holding Baby Luke! She immediately starting singing to him! I loved that!

Auntie Allie holding her future Yankees Fan! (Wait... he is ALREADY a Yankees fan!)

God is so AMAZING and GRACIOUS and I am speechless at his mercies. He has blessed my family and I so much and I owe it ALL TO HIM! It brings to mind one of my favorite verses of all time, Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

The "After" picture!

May we NEVER forget...


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