
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hymns of Faith: The Teacher Learns from the Student

Friday, August 31, 2012

"Many rely on God with extreme passion and dedication when facing an obstacle in life. I wonder how incredible of a change this world could see if God was pursued with that same passion regardless of the circumstance... Food for thought." 

This is a quote that a past student of mine from Grove posted on Facebook last week. He is in his second year of college right now at OBU and is a remarkable person and Christian. Since I have not lived in Shawnee for over a year I do not know the entire story but I do know that he had to have brain surgery last week. He posted this quote the day before he had the surgery.  T

he week before  this, Natalie and Luke had their 3 year and 2 month old pediatrician check-ups. Poor Luke had not been feeding well off of the bottle and seemed to be getting really friustrated easily while trying to take the bottle. The check-ups were simultaneously happening and I was so WORRIED about Luke that I didnt even think about anything going wrond with Nataeli Grace and her 3 year old check-up. It was during her routine visit that our prediatrician, Dr. Pulliam, said "Has anyone ever told you that Natalie has a heart murmur?" Stunned and shocked, I looked over at Chris with tears forming in my eyes. Meanwhile, Luke was laying over on the doctor's table just smiling and as content as ever! Dr. Pulliam went on to evaluate Natalie and tell us a little bit about her heart murmur. She was only checking her with the stephascope and was not able to tell us much more than "Its a heart murmur." She advised us to see a Pediactric Cardiologist to check to see if the murmur was benign. The rest of the visit was very tramatic and stressful for all four of as the tension was very heavy. As soon as we got in the car, I just bursted into tears and called my mom. Immediately after that I called and made an appointment with the Cardiologist to see Natalie. Of course, there was not an opening for over a week so we had to wait to see if this heart murmur was benign or not.

It was during this time that I learned of my ex-student's condition as his incredible faith in God as he was going through such a tramatic event in his life. I began to follow his story and updates via "Care Bridge" on the MD Anderson website. I was amazed as his speedily recovery and steadfast dedication to God. I was just blown away. How could someone who was facing such a grave condition be so at peace. I began to ponder this as I sat there thinking about my first born and the possibility that this heart murmur was more than just a little "Thump-thump".

I read his quote from above on Facebook and really thought about how I had been doing this. I am not a perfect person or Christian by any means but I too had been seeking God's face in the midst of my trials and tribulations and not as dedicated to Him during non-trying times. Like my ex-student said, what a revalation it would be if we sought Him even during our great joys and successes. That following week I made it a priority to not only pray and have my quiet time alone with God in the morning but in the evening and afternoon as well. I found myself spending time in THe Word during Natalie and Luke's naptimes and even staying up an extra 30 minutes to an hour after I put Luke to bed reading the Bible and praying. Now of course, I was still waiting to see the Caridologist at this point but I felt so revived and refreshed.

ON Wednesday, August 22 Natalie, Luke and I traveled to the Northwestern most part of Houston to see this Pediatric Caridolgist for Natalie. When we got there Natalie had to do the usual weight and height measurements but she also had to have her blood pressure checked and even get an EKG! THis was such new expereince for her and she DID NOT LIKE IT! After finishing these exams with the nurse we went into the Doctor's office and he listened to her heart and then did an extensive Ultrasound of her heart. THis was special because i told Natalie she was going to be able to do what Mommy did while Baby Luke was in her tummy. I had pulled out pictures of Baby Luke's ultrasound the night before and Natalie was excited to be able to see her heart on the screen. When the doctor showed her the heart she said "Look mommy, it Baby Heart!" This was so sweet.

After an extensive review of her heart via the ultrasound the Cardiologist informed me that Natalie's heart was 100% healthy and "Perfect". What a relief. I immediately said a grateful prayer to God. Now honestly, after this I would have gone back to my usual Christian self and had my daily quiet and prayer time but not at the instensity level I had been since the tramatic event had passed and all was well. But not this time. On our way home I began to listen to my iTunes and the hymn "Have Thine Own Way" came on. This may not seem like a song that would speak to soemone right AFTER this type of event but it did.
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way 
Thou are the Potter, I am the Clay 
Mold me and Make me, After thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way
Wounded and weary, Help me I pray
Power, all Power, surely is Thine
Touch me and Heal me, Saviour devine

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way
Hold O're my being, absolute sway
Fill with Thy spirit till all shall see
Christ only ALWAYS, living in me!

Touch me and Heal me... Of course this was relevant to Natalie Grace and her heart murmur but it was also relevant to me and my Christian walk. I had fallen down and was having a hard time getting up. I had been failing at getting in the most time possible with God. No wonder I was tired and weary. Since then I have kept up not only my daily quiet time and prayer time but additional time with God. I have taken the nightly nursing sessions with Luke as my extended prayer time. I have been able to pray for family and extended family that I may have over-looked in the past as well as Sunday School and Church requests that I might have bunched into one blanket sentence in previous years. I feel like a completely new person.

It is amazing how the statement of one person can really open your eyes to your own Faith and relationship with God. Thank you dear Ex-Band student of mine for your words of truth and encouragement. I am a new Christian, Wife and mother! Thank you! 

God is good... ALL the time!


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