
Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Growing Boy: Month 7

Saturday, January 12, 2013
This boy is ON THE MOVE!
During this 7th month of his life, Luke has been getting faster and faster... at crawling that is! He started crawling on his belly last month and this month he has just gone full force. We have had to be really careful watching him and making sure he doesn't get into anything. I have mentioned this before but my kids are POLAR OPPOSITES! Natalie didn't really get into anything. In all reality she never messed with cords or outlets... NOT THIS GUY! He is into EVERYTHING! I can just tell that he will start walking earlier than Natalie did (11 months) and will be "up and at em'" VERY SOON!

Here you can see his RED hair coming in (Finally!) 
He is still eating the main grains, fruits and veggies on a daily basis. During his 6 month check up the doctor mentioned starting to feed meats and even try giving him juice. Our pediatrician in Oklahoma told us to NEVER give juice until 1 year but Dr. Prohodia seems pretty aggressive and said to go ahead and offer it to him. I will trying both of these this coming month.
He is still taking numerous naps throughout the day (Anywhere from 2-3) and sleeps about 10-11 hours at night. He traveled to Arp with my mom and dad this past month and while there he slept 12 hours (I guess they wore him out) but usually he sleeps from 8:30pm to 6:30am. He has started Mother's Day Out Program and Day school this past week and is adjusting to nap times and schedules. I think this daily ritual and routine will help him get more and better sleep!
WOW! This boy is ALL OVER THE PLACE! He is crawling on all fours at an alarming pace! He is across the room in record time (Seriously). I cannot believe how quickly he has picked up crawling. He started really crawling (All 4s) at 6 months and 27 days and hasn't looked back since. He will chase Natalie and the dogs all over the house! It is really cute. However, he has seemed to be getting into more things than Natalie EVER did! He will go straight for the cable cords or the computer cord and just last week I saw his little brain working and wondering what the outlet was. I think I am going to have to get a move on baby proofing because with this child, obviously, I am going to have to be very careful!
He is on his changing table trying to figure out how to get down.
Silly Boy!
He is so very active and wants to be moving at all times!
This is perhaps his best "Personality" picture to date! This really portrays Luke!
Once again, this month has passed by WAY TOO QUICKLY and he is already in his 8th month of life. It seems like only yesterday I was in the hospital bed holding my new precious baby boy! Now... I am chasing him! I am SO BLESSED!

God is Good... ALL THE TIME!

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