
Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Blast from the Past

July 2, 2013
It the end of an ERA
This morning I got a text and phone call from my college roommate and dear friend Jessica Adams who was in San Antonio with her family on vacation. They wanted to go to the beach since her husband and 2 kids had never been. I convinced her to drive to Galveston and meet up with Chris, the kids and I.
We got to the beach around 4:30 and had just enough time in the beach for little kids and toddlers to play and still not get sunburnt! Alex and Natalie just ran around and chased each other in the waves while Luke and Evie sat in the sand and made funny faces at each other! Chris and Andy helped out the older ones while Jess and I were able to catch up on old times.

Jessica was my best friend during my college years and the times we spent together were some of the most fun and memorable times of my entire life. She holds a very special and dear place in my heart and I thank God for her all the time!
After the beach, we all cleaned up and traveled up to League City for dinner. Here we were able to really catch up and on some levels get to know each other again. A lot changes in 7+ years of marriage and 2 kids each. It had been close to 3 years since we had seen each other last and both had a baby since then so this get together was monumental! We finished dinner and they headed back up North to OKC where they live.
While our time together was short lived this time, the memories we got to relive and the new memories we made with our husbands and families was priceless. I certainly hope it wont be another 3 years until we see each other again!
Jessica, I love you girl and thank you for our wonderful friendship! God Bless!
Thank You, Lord for my friend!
God is good... ALL the time!

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