
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fun in the Sun 2013- Embarkation Day

Sunday, July 28, 2013
The Legend of "The Woodsmen" 
Today is the BIG DAY! We have been waiting for this for quite some time and it is LONG over due! In fact, we were so anxious and ready to get on the boat and "Get this party started" that we ended up waking up nearly 2 hours earlier than expected. We headed down to the Hotel Lobby for breakfast, which left much to be desired... in fact the entire New Orleans Hotel was a little "if-y" for me but I think in the long run it will be a good choice.
We were scheduled to be on the 9am shuttle and arrived at about 8:35 to find 2 other couples waiting for us to arrive so the shuttle could leave. We got to the Cruise Terminal around 8:50 and immediately went through security check-in without any lines or hassle at all. We waited in a small holding area for about 5 minutes and then went to the "Priority" check-in line since we had the "FASTER TO THE FUN" benefits.


We were literally the 2nd group/ couple to check-in for our cruise. It was about 9:10 at this point and were ready to set foot on The Conquest. 

Waiting in the Carnival Cruise Terminal

As time passed we were moved from one "Priority" area to another but after witnessing 3 different large wedding parties board the ship, we were able to get on the ship around 11:15 am. We immediately went to our room not sure if  the "FASTER TO THE FUN" benefit of luggage at your room and your stateroom being ready when you board would hold to be true. We arrived at our room around 11:25 and sure enough all of our luggage except 1 piece was there and our room was ready to go! It was awesome! If you ever cruise on Carnival Cruise Lines... Get the "FASTER TO THE FUN" excursion from your home port! It is only $50 a cabin and WORTH EVERY PENNY!
After dropping off our remaining carry-on luggage at our room we made our way to the Lido Deck to try out the lunch buffet and some new restaurants to the Ship. I am not a buffet person... AT ALL, but this time the lunch buffet was pretty good and had "It's moments" throughout the cruise duration.
After we finished lunch, I returned to the room to organize (y'all who know me well can go ahead and laugh now) while Chris went exploring around the ship. Then we went on an actual tour of the ship given by the cruise entertainment staff. This was little bit of a let-down for me personally because it was barely a tour and more of an over-view but it did help re-familiarize us with the ship we would call home for the next week.
We called the kids one last time before we had to go to our Muster Station meeting and then set sail down the "Mighty Mississippi"! This was incredible because the Mississippi River is such a "WONDER" from our Lord and it was awesome to just bask in it's beauty!
Chris Davis... "The Tourist"
New Orleans is such a beautiful (and kinda dirty...) city!
Chillin' out in our beautiful BALCONY stateroom!
Goodbye New Orleans... Next stop, the CARIBBEAN!
Now it was time for our much discussed and desired "Main Dinner" time in the Renoir Dining Room. Chris had been looking forward to the food on this cruise so much that he even downloaded the Carnival menus to his phone so he would know what the Dining Room was serving each night. Let me tell you, the food DID NOT DISAPPOINT! I am going to have a completely separate post ALL ABOUT the food called "You Only Live ONCE" that will highlight most of the food we ate on board and I will even post 2 separate editions created by both Chris and myself! Y'all watch out for that... it will be pretty cool!

Pre-Dinner Photo on our Balcony!
The Legend of "The Woodsmen"
We planned on going to the Welcome Aboard Show but little did we know that Chris would be the STAR of the Show. During this show the entertainment staff and cast gave a "Preview" of the week's entertainment and shows and that in and of itself was awesome but then came the real fun. The Cruise Director Cory, who we called Drew Cory because he looked like Drew Carry, came out into the audience to look for volunteers to have some fun on stage. Chris and I knew that you had to sit in front to get chosen so we sat near the front on an aisle. Sure enough, Cruise Director Cory chose Chris to come up on stage. He then gave Chris and the other 5 volunteers a "Character" in his story he would read. Chris was "The Woodsmen".

Getting Ready for the Skit...

In this game, the characters had to form a single line facing the audience and when Cory ready their character name, they must run completely around the remaining characters and then back to their spot. This was hilarious and it seemed as if Cory hand-picked his contestants. Chris ended up running around the stage 16 times before the story was all done and for the REST OF THE CRUISE, people would see Chris and say "Hey, its the woodsmen"! He literally became a STAR of the cruise! In fact, I became known as "The Woodsmen's Wife"! Just for completing the task and story on stage, Chris received a "24 Karat Gold Plastic Piece of SHIP on a Stick" (A Carnival Trophy) and of course became a STAR! It was awesome!

Check out the FULL video of this skit on our Youtube page... ChrisandKellieDavis

Chris, "The Woodsmen" and his Trophy!

After that show was over, we stayed in the main lounge to play a "Gender Battle" game of Boys VS Girls and I kid you not, Chris was chosen as another player and got on stage again! And yes, he got A SECOND "SHIP on a STICK"! Now that Chris's head was larger than ever, we took that momentum to the Piano Bar to play "Name That Tune". Although, we did not win the Trivia Game, Chris and I both were able to sing 2 solos each in the microphone!

This guy needs an agent!
Our final stop of the night was the Light Night Comedy Show. This was something we don't do very often and made it special for us but it was a little risqué for us! By the end of the night, I was exhausted and although I boarded the ship thinking I was going to "re-live my 1st cruise experience" from 7 years ago, I went to bed that evening know I AM NOT IN MY TWENTIES ANYMORE! Seriously, I am a MOMMY and nearly 31... I was EXHAUSTED!
It is now time to conquer SEA DAY #1!
Once again, I was reminded throughout the day of God's amazing works and blessings in my life!
God is good... ALL THE TIME!

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