
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Expect the Unexpected

April 8, 2014 
They Call Me "Aunt Sissy

Last week proved to be an unbelievably long and stressful week. It was full of late evenings and in fact, I was only able to put my kids to bed for 1 of the 6 nights. It was a great week full of Opening Day baseball, a saxophone gig and so much more but all too busy nonetheless. Saturday morning came and I was alone with the kids while Chris went to Saturday school. The kids and I went and got them Kolaches for breakfast and then did a few errands around town. It was such a release from the stress and tiredness of the previous 5 days. 

Around 9:30am while I was finding bargains at a local Children's Consignment Sale my phone starts to BLOW UP with texts and missed calls. I noticed them all but Chris' really stuck out since I knew he was at Saturday school. I listened to his message only to find out that my Sister-In-Law who was not quite 37 weeks pregnant had broke her water and was in labor. YAY... This was so exciting! Except... this means that my nanny/ babysitter, other wise known as Gigi Jackie, was about to be gone for a week or so. 

We knew this could happen but I think ALL of us, even my SIL, didn't expect it to happen for another 2 weeks or so. Remember, I carried Natalie for 43 weeks so to me this was WAY early! I had already lined up a replacement sitter for Natalie and Luke and this would be MY OWN Grandmother, Grandma Juanita! So the rest of the day was filled with all types of emotions including excitement, stress and so much more. 

Finally around 11am, I was able to get a hold of Great-Grandma Juanita and let her know that the baby was being born and she and Virg needed to make their way down to Conroe soon. They live in Wichita, KS and had a 10+ hour drive ahead of them so I wanted to get the ball rolling. Poor Grandma Juanita, she sounded more than startled on the phone! But her and Virg got all their necessities taken care of and were on the road early Sunday morning! 

The rest of my Saturday and Sunday was filled with cleaning, organizing and taking care of things that needed to be done before company arrived. It was a very hectic and stressful weekend but through it all my man stayed calm and helped out like never before. He really is a great husband and I am so lucky to have him!

Mid evening Sunday my Grandma Juanita and Virg arrived and the fun began. Both of my kids don't really get to see either of them very often but Natalie remembered them both and within minutes they both had a new friend. I think we were all a little worried about Luke warming up to either of them but he LOVES Virg and goes right to him.

The past few days have been filled with fun and exciting activities for my kids and Grandma Juanita and Virg. Grandma and Virg have been so great already by helping take care of the kids while Chris and I are at work, taking them to school and even helping at night with them. Honestly, there is no way Chris and I could have gotten through this week without them! AND... it has only just begun!

The saying "Expect the Unexpected" is certainly true this week in the life of my family and I. We are SO THRILLED that Baby Madisyn has been born and now we are counting down the days until we meet this little one! I cannot wait to see what the next few days are filled with! Thanks again to Grandma Juanita and Virg for all their help! Truly a God-send! 

This is Madisyn Maelyn Davis- Born on April 5 at 9:15pm!
We cannot wait to meet you Miss Madi! 

God is Good... ALL the time
(Even in unexpected times)!

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