
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Freedom Rings

July 4, 2014 
Natalie Faces Her Fears 

This year July Fourth was not a event filled as it has been in years past but it was special nonetheless! We spent the day with just the 4 of us watching special movies, reading books and playing together! In all reality it was just another summer day for the 4 of us! This was until we decided to get some fireworks and sparklers for the kids! 

Natalie has had a fear of fireworks ever since I can remember but had mentioned that she was "not afraid" anymore and wanted to watch them this year. We decided that it might be best to go and get some simple sparklers for her to experience to help get over this fear. 

We had Chris's parents, Dan and Jackie, come over and help us celebrate the holiday and set off the sparklers. We decided to wait to set them off until closer to dark time however, we noticed it was beginning to sprinkle and rain around 7:30 so we decided to head outside and "get the party started". We got all of our chairs out towards the end of the driveway and we were ready... THEN IT BEGAN TO RAIN! Not just sprinkle but RAIN! It was much needed rain so we just came back inside. 

We waited about 10-15 minutes for it to pass and tried it again. This time we stayed up towards the front of the house and the garage. Dan helped us by getting all of the sparklers lit and then handed them to all of us. Natalie was a little nervous but within a few minutes she had a sparkler in her hand and was enjoying it. Luke held one sparkler but I do not think he really liked it because that was the only one he held all night long. 

Natalie and daddy playing with sparklers! 

She was not so sure at first but eventually she came around. 

Luke's turn... He was not so sure! 

Natalie was asking how they work... It is like her brain NEVER stops!

Gigi Jackie and Natalie with their sparklers!

Mommy came from behind the camera to play with FIRE and Natalie! 

I felt like a kid again... I started practicing conducting with MY sparklers!

We went through about 50-60 sparklers total (Most lit and held by the adults) and we all had a great time. And more importantly, Natalie faced her fears of the fireworks. In fact, that evening when we put her to bed she didn't even need her heavy duty headphones to dampen the noise of the constant fireworks in our neighborhood. She said "Mommy, I'm a big girl now. I don't need those". I have quite possibly NEVER BEEN MORE PROUD OF HER! She is really growing up and this day just proved it! 

Natalie, my BIG GIRL, after she faced her fears all evening!

We finished the evening playing "Mexican Train" dominoes with Dan and Jackie before we called it a night. The fireworks continued in our neighborhood until well past 2:30am which made for a really long night! July Fourth is one of my favorite holidays of the calendar year and this year did not disappoint! 

God is good... ALL the time! 

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