
Friday, October 31, 2014

My Personal Testimony

October 2014 

This month at our home church in Conroe, TX we are focusing on presenting the Gospel to others by means of our personal testimony as well as scripture itself. We began the month with an intense study during our Sunday School time where we were then presented with "homework", which was writing down our personal testimony and presenting it to the pastor, his staff and the church in written form. Later in the month we "marked the New Testament" and took home our very own copy of the Invitation New Testament to share with someone we know. I do not have a very interesting testimony on how I became a child of The Lord but it is mine and I cherish it. The assignment of writing our testimony was in 3 parts: 1- Your life before Christ 2- How you became saved 3- Your life after Christ. 

My life before Christ
My dad is a Baptist preacher and my parents have raised both my sister and I in a very Godly and honorable way. In fact, I like to think I was born in the sanctuary. My parents had me in church every single time the door was open, no lie. This was in part due to the nature of my dad's job but more because my parents knew that is what God wanted them to do as Godly parents. When I was 5 years old I remember beginning to understand all of the concepts my parents had been teaching and I was really active in Girls in Action (GAs). I remember asking my dad one day lots of questions and him saying "Kellie Rhea, you are getting close". 

How I became Saved 
It was a Sunday evening in 1988 and my parents and I had just finished our Sunday night meal of "Breakfast for Dinner". This was a staple in our house on Sunday nights and I am sure this night, like many others, featured this classic menu. After dinner my dad was in my parents room preparing for his week and I came in and began to ask questions. Right then and there on June 8, 1988 at the foot of my parents water bed I asked Jesus to be my personal Lord and Savior and wash away my sins. I took his gift of everlasting life as a 5 year and I have not looked back since. 

My life after Christ 
In the past 27 years since I became a Christian there have been many struggles as well as times of joy. I have seen my own family members join the family of God and I have led several friends of mine to The Lord during this time. I have faced times of trouble and desperate need and this only brought me closer to The Lord. I have since found an amazing Godly man of whom I chose to marry and we now have 2 kids of our own who we, too, are raising in a Christian home. In October 2014, my firstborn, Natalie Grace, took this same gift as a 5 year old and asked Jesus into her heart with Chris, my dad and I present. I have now experienced the greatest joy a parent can have; having their child become HIS child. Tears of joy ran down my face as I walked my 5 year old, glowing with a smile, down the aisle of Mims Baptist Church on Sunday, October 26, 2014. It was a day I will NEVER forget. The Lord has truly blessed me with an amazing family and life and owe it all to him. He took me as a young child and sinner and washed my sins away and I became white as snow. 

As I ponder and reminisce on the events during my life and my personal salvation testimony I cannot help but think of and sing "Jesus Paid It All": 

Jesus paid it all 
All to him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain 
He washed it white as snow

All to Him I owe... Thank You Lord for dying on the cross to save my sins and for continuously forgiving me for my sins! I owe it all to you! 

God is Good... All the time!

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