
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Greatest Experience a Parent Can Have... Part 1

My Child Becomes HIS Child
October 26, 2014

"Mommy, did you know that God made that?" and "Jesus is my best friend. He died on the cross for me mommy." These were beginning to be common statements in our house as young little Natalie began to understand Jesus and how He was going to impact and effect her life. Earlier this summer as we were traveling what seemed like the globe to get to Lubbock, TX to see our niece, Natalie began to question more of Jesus and His life while on this earth. She also began to ask questions about Him and how He was going to live in her heart! Chris and I both knew that it was only a matter of time before our smart little one was ready to accept Jesus as her personal Savior. 

The school year has been an emotional roller coaster for both Natalie and I as she has now entered Kindergarten and she is now facing the "real world" which, by the way, comes with a lot more baggage and drama than I expected! Every night when I would pray with Natalie I would ask Jesus to be with her and help her make good decisions and choices while at school, church and even home. But Natalie now was coming home from Sunday School and sharing the Bible story with Luke and her dolls each week. We had already explained the steps to becoming and Christian and about 2 weeks ago she said "Mommy, I want Jesus to come and live in my heart". I knew this was a big step so Chris and I both began praying for her and her salvation even more than we already had. I decided that it was beginning to get a little awkward as I put her down every night with her asking "Can Jesus come into my heart now mommy?" and my response was "Well, I do not know if you are ready". I decided to have her talk with our Children's minister, Debby Stovall, at AWANAS last Wednesday night. After talking to Debby, Natalie came home and said "I am going to ask Jesus into my heart mommy!" I spoke with Debby and she pretty much gave us the green light and said "She knows what she needs to know so why would you NOT do it?

That Saturday, October 25, 2014 my parents were in route back to Arp from Cooperstown, NY where they spent the previous week at the National Baseball Hall of Fame via Bush airport. They made a pitstop at our home specifically for Natalie Grace. After a quick dinner, my dad, Chris, Natalie and I made our way up to Natalie's bedroom to talk about Jesus. My dad explained mulitple verses in the Bible about sins, forgiveness and eternal life. Despite the 5 year old small attention span, Natalie stayed focuesed and eventually said "Poppy, I want to ask Jesus into my heart". She then crawled off the bed and got on her knees with Poppy and said the sinners prayer and accepted Jesus' gift of eternal life. Right there at the age of 5.3 at the foot of her own bed she became a child of The King. My eyes were gushing with tears and my heart full of excitement as I witnessed her accept Christ. She almost immediately went downstairs to tell Gigi Shirley who had been taking care of Luke during this whole ordeal. Gigi Shirley's eyes filled with tears as she too was excited for Natalie. 

After my parents left to head back to Arp we ventured over to Gigi Jackie and Grandpa's house to tell them the good news. Jackie said she felt Natalie's heart beat as she arrived at their house and it was beating as fast as it could beat. The following morning at church Natalie told her friends, some of our friends, her Sunday School teachers, Mrs. Debby and of course, the pastor as she very willinging walked the asile down to make her public profession of faith. The sermon was labeled Jesus- Your Best Friend and Natalie told Bro. Dustin McCullough, the youth pastor, "Jesus is my best friend and he is in my heart". I think that was the proudest moment of my life! 

We went back into the counseling room where one of Natalie's AWANA teachers was waiting to help guide us and make the proper documentation. Natalie was so proud and continued to share this big news with nearly everyone she saw that afternoon. We made several calls the rest of the day and Natalie was so happy! She even told the dogs the BIG news, to which Abbey licked her in the face! "See mommy, even Abbey likes Jesus in my heart"! 

This is just the 1st part of my proudest moment as now Natalie will await baptism where she will once again make her decision public. Hopefully my dad, her Poppy, will be able to baptize her; especially since he was there to lead her to Christ! 

My heart is over-filled with Joy as I celebrate my child's name added to The Book of Life. Chris and I prayed and prayed AND PRAYED for Natalie Grace and have been praying for her salvation ever since He gave her to us! Thank you, Lord for your continued blessings and answered prayers! I know my grandfather is up in Heaven with a smile on his face knowing that another one of his own will join him. 

God is good... ALL the time! 

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