
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Greatest Experience a Parent Can Have... Part 2

The Natalie's Baptism
Sunday, December 7, 2014 

"This is the day.. This is the day that The Lord has made, that The Lord has made. We will rejoice... We will rejoice and BE GLAD IN IT"

Today my little Natalie Grace got baptized by her Poppy at our home church, Mims Baptist Church, in Conroe. Practically the whole family made an appearance in Conroe for this very special event. Our pastor, Bro. Gene, graciously allowed my dad to come and baptize Natalie in our home church. This was so special because dad was able to do it yet Natalie was able to proclaim her new life in front of all of her and our friends. 

Allison and D'Ann both traveled in on Saturday night and we were able to have a great time of fellowship with them and Dan and Jackie before Sunday's festivities began. Mom and Dad drove in from Arp early Sunday morning and arrived at the church around 10am. It was then that we learned from Bro. Gene that the water heater had broken the night before and the water in the baptistery was about 65-70*. It will definitely be something both Natalie and the other people who were baptized will remember for a long time to come!

I went and got Natalie out of her Sunday School class early and took her to Bro. Gene's office where he explained the whole process to those awaiting baptism. It was at this time that Natalie began to get a little nervous. What kept her going was knowing that no matter how cold the water was or how nervous she became, her Poppy would still be taking care of her and doing it all with her. Once again, it was so special and I am so grateful to Bro. Gene AND my dad for allowing it to happen this way! 

After the orientation with Bro. Gene, Natalie and I made our way to the women's changing room to get in her gown for the baptism ceremony. Natalie was so excited and could not wait to get into her gown. We met with the female helpers and even had a word of prayer with some of the sweet ladies helping us out.

Getting ready in the "ladies room". 

She was so proud and ready to go. 

The baptism service began and Natalie was the last of 4 that morning. And just as usual Bernard, our pianist, was playing my song "Great is thy Faithfulness" as the service began. This was truly a GOD thing as this is not only my favorite song but a song that has been EVER present in my life and extremely special to me. 

Bro. Gene introduced and welcomed my dad to the church and the baptistery and Natalie began crawling into the COLD COLD water. Luckily there was a baptism helper who carried her over to Dad since she was not tall enough, or brave enough since the water was so cold, to walk. Natalie was so nervous but kept saying "I want Poppy". She arrived at Poppy's feet where he helped her get settled and then he began the whole process. This was one of the most amazing, special and precious moments in both mine and Natalie's lives. I will never forget my dad and his emotions and feeling as he baptized Natalie Grace. I also remember me standing in the cold, COLD water to get a good view with tears just rolling down my face. I began bawling like a baby as I witnessed my own dad baptize my child. Honestly, even my dad began to show emotion as he called her out by name and baptized her as his "sister". It was so very special. 

I will never forget my dad's emotion during this baptism.
It truly was a special and memorable moment.
Poor thing... the water was SO cold. 

She weighs so little that dad practically plunged her beneath the water.

Natalie was buried together with Him and raised to walk in NEWNESS of life. After that I helped her get dry and WARM and we headed back into the worship service. This too was special because I was able to sit alongside all of my family members, including my dad, in MY home church. While the sermon was good... It was no "Ron Klingsick" sermon... BUT I am biased! 

After the conclusion of the worship service we all headed over to one of the Klingsick and Davis family favorite restaurants, Spring Creek BBQ where we celebrated Natalie's new life. We all had a great time eating our favorite foods and we ended the lunch with a special "Birthday" cookie cake for Natalie. 

Gigi Jackie and Grandpa!

Poppy and Gigi Shirley.

Auntie Allie and Natalie Grace. 

When we got back home Gigi and Poppy gave Natalie a baptism gift of a very special Silver Cross necklace. This too was very special because it was her first real piece of jewelry and it symbolized her new life and baptism. 

Natalie opening her gift and special Baptism card from Gigi Shirley!

Natalie and her new Cross necklace. 

This day was incredibly special and one that I will not ever forget. In recent years I have sat through the baptism services at our church and teared up thinking about how "one day that will be MY child". That day came and went and was even more special than I could have imagined. Now I will sit and cry thinking about my NEXT child becoming one of HIS and how his baptism service will be just as special. 

Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for MINE and NATALIE's sins! 

God is good... ALL THE TIME! 

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