
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014... Hello 2015

Reflections and Resolutions 
January 1, 2015 

A friend of mine stated that him and his wife have a New Year's tradition of reflecting the previous year and dreaming and setting goals for the following year. I LOVE this idea and decided 2014/2015 would be the year that Chris and I start our own version of this tradition! 

The Many Blessings of 2014 

  1. Natalie Grace became a child of GOD and was baptized by her Poppy. 
  2. Natalie Grace started Kindergarten and impressed us all. 
  3. Luke began talking in complete sentences. 
  4. Chris conquered the "26.2 Marathon" distance on his own. 
  5. We paid off 90% of our debt via our amazing financial blessing that is PLEXUS
  6. We lost a total of 235 pounds with the help of PLEXUS and have completely changed on the inside and out! 
  7. Kellie became Team-Leader at her school. 
  8. Kellie was able to go to the Astro's Open Day game vs. the Yankees (Yankees on Opening Day is on my Bucket List)
  9. We saw Derek Jeter arriving to Minute Maid Stadium in April. 
  10. Took our 3rd cruise and 1st on Royal Caribbean in August. 
  11. We experienced new and old activities together such as rock climbing, SNUBA, ice skating, and zip lining just to name a few. 
  12. Chris was nominated for Teacher of the Year for Aldine 9th Grade Center in Aldine ISD. 
  13. Kellie tried Sushi for the first time (And now I am hooked for life... YUMMY)
  14. Natalie performed "Happy Birthday Jesus" with the Mims AWANA Choir 
  15. Natalie won the "Turkey Trot" at her school and now LOVES running. 

Our Hopes and Dreams for 2015

  1. Draw nearer to God as husband, wife and parents. 
  2. Help Natalie continue to grow in The Lord. 
  3. Get Luke Potty-trained (Is it sad that this is so close to the top of our list?)
  4. Complete our "paying off debt" journey by becoming 100% debt free. 
  5. Chris plans to run an official marathon at some point during the year. 
  6. Kellie would like to promote to "GOLD" within the Plexus company 
  7. 2 cruises, including an Anniversary Cruise to the Bahamas. 
  8. Update our house (furniture, floors, paint, you name it)
  9. Chris and Kellie to get down to our "official" recommended weight. 
  10. Kellie would like to run a 5K at some point in the year. 
  11. Go para-sailing on an exotic island. 
  12. Natalie wants to run in another "FUN RUN". 
2014 was an INCREDIBLE year for us and we could not be more grateful to God for these blessings, both listed and not listed. It may be hard for 2015 to top 2014 but we are going to have fun trying! 

Thank You, Lord for Your CONTINUED BLESSINGS! 

God is GOOD... All the time! 

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