
Monday, August 3, 2015

Kid-Free "Stay"cation 2015

No Kids... No Worries
June 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015
Despite getting off the boat by 9AM, we were back at our house and fully unload and unpacked by noon and ready to go and start our "Stay"cation. We begun the week with a movie... in the theater! This rarely happens as with kids unless you have a babysitter you do not get out much! We saw the movie "SPY" and it was ok but a little vulgar for our tastes. Then I took Chris to La Madeline French Cafe where he was not impressed! We were still tired from just getting off the boat, plus the laundry was sky high so we came home and rested up for the remainder of the week!

Monday, June 22, 2015
Kayaking on Lake Woodlands
We knew we wanted to do things that we COULD NOT do with kids so this took priority on our list! We were able to go out and kayak on the lake for nearly 2 hours before I felt claustrophobic and needed to get out of the boat! It was a great experience and wish I could have lasted longer!

Just getting started on our elongated kayaking journey! 

Our favorite 2+ MILLION dollar home on Lake Woodlands! IT WAS NICE !

This was about 1 mile away from where we started... This is also where I began to panic! 

Where else would we go? We love Pappadeaux and due to price alone we hardly ever go with the kids so we wanted to take advantage of this during this week!

Time to be an adult... Eye Doctor Appointment
I knew we both needed to update our glasses and contact prescription and this would be the most convenient time so we decided to end our fun for the afternoon and cross something off our summer to-do list!

My hubby getting glasses! Man we are getting OLD! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Bike Riding
Chris is planning to do a sprint Triathlon in the upcoming months and has been training by continuing to jog long distances but now needed to focus on the bike riding portion so I joined him and we rode 10 miles to Highway 1314 and back. It was a very strenuous ride but it felt great and we loved it!

WooHoo... LET'S DO THIS! I'm ready! 

At the intersection of Hwy 242 and Hwy 1314... I felt special to have been able to bike there!
Now to just make the 5 mile journey home! 

Bike Selfie! 

Top Golf and Lunch at Gringos
We both had heard a lot about the Top Golf experience and wanted to try it out. It was a great way to spend the day and we had a lot of fun competing with each other on our scores. For having played golf all through high school and even college, my skills were LACKING! Chris beat me on all accounts and he has barely ever played! Don't worry... we will be back! We then went to Gringos Mexican Kitchen next door. We absolutely love this place and it has become our favorite Mexican place to eat. Before heading back to our house for naps we decided to make a short pit stop in Gander Mountain. This was great because we got to look at things like kayaks, canoes and even guns! It was a great way to spend the afternoon.

Hello TOP GOLF... I was ready to show Chris my moves!
I DID play on a State Championship Team in High School and even won individual district my Senior Year! 

Golf Selfie! 

There's some of my moves! 

And Chris's swing! 

Yeah... My moves were NOTHING! The way Top Golf works, well NOT IN MY FAVOR!
Chris, who has rarely even picked up a club, won both of our games!
Don't worry... there WILL BE A REMATCH! 

Now time for some Gander Mtn.
That store is SO COOL! 

Dinner and a Movie
After our naps we wanted to go and see another movie and this time we chose San Andreas featuring The Rock! This movie proved to be very good and both of us really enjoyed it! After the movie we went to a new place on Market Street called Burger Fi. This proved to be very tasty burgers and we really enjoyed it! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Morning Jogs 
We both wanted to really get back into the swing of things in our jogging routines as we just got off the boat so we made it a point to sleep in and then both get out and jog outdoors. This was very different for me since I have been training indoors in the comfortable Air Conditioning (And fan usually) but I did my 2+ miles WITHOUT stopping and survived! 

Flying High 
We decided to take the afternoon off from being out and about and just rest as we knew we would be getting the kids back that evening. We came home and enjoyed a light lunch and caught up on our favorite TV shows from our DVR before heading out to the 2nd part of Chris's birthday experience from my parents...  INDOOR SKYDIVING! This was the most amazing experience as you literally can skydive INDOORS. We both had a great time and plan on going back before the summer is over!

"I'm FINALLY Here"... He has been wanting to do this for months!
Happy Birthday Dear! 

We are all suited up and ready to go! 

Reunited... and it feels so good 
Immediately following our skydiving session we headed north to Conroe to meet GiGi Shirley and Poppy at Mama Juanita's to pick up our kids whom we had not seen in nearly 12 days! We all met and swapped vacation stories before GiGi and Poppy headed east to Arp and we went south to our house!

A Family of FOUR again... LOVE IT!
Now we have the whole summer to have MORE FUN! 

And it started IMMEDIATELY

It was an AMAZING week without our kids but we were so glad to see Natalie and Luke! Thank you mom and dad for taking our kids on these INCREDIBLE adventures across the nation! I have heard nothing but stories about the Mall of America all summer! Needless to say, they loved it! 

God is good... All the time! 

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