
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Our COVID Adventures- Week 10

Week 10 of Quarantine
May 17-23, 2020

It's the LAST WEEK of school and we are all ready! It's been an interesting end to our school year... to say the least! 

May 17th 
Another week started off right with church services online. This has been one of the best blessings during all of the COVID... being able to watch My Daddy preach AND listen to his and our home pastor, Dr. Chaddick preach each and every Sunday. We spent the rest of the day outside walking around the neighborhood and enjoying our pool. 

May 18th 
It is the LAST Monday of the school (even for the following Professional Development week as Monday is a holiday). This always feels SO GOOD but not this year. I was worried for my orchestra kids and was going to miss them. We had one last zoom but this one was just for fun and more of a social party than anything else. I passed out a few awards on the zoom and said our goodbyes. It just felt so wrong! 

Today's Monday- Runday put me at 100 miles ran since the shutdown! I am feeling good! 

May 19th 
As I was out doing errands, I went to Academy and saw they FINALLY had trampolines in stock. We had been looking for a new LARGE outdoor toy since the 2nd week of the shutdown. Our play-set had seen better days and was honestly, becoming a safety hazard. The previous week, Chris and the kids took out their aggression on the old wood of the play-set and set it on the curb for trash. This was the perfect timing for a new trampoline. I grabbed it and we were excited to get it all set up! 

This! This is happening... TODAY! 

May 20th 
This was a very special day as it was Luke's Award day via Zoom and Natalie had her End of the Year 5th Grade Drive By Parade at the New Caney Elementary. It was so SPECIAL and NEAT to be able to see all of her teachers and a few friends in the short period of time we got to drive by! It was a very bittersweet end to her elementary years but she had a blast! 

She is ready for the Drive By Parade! I am SO PROUD OF YOU NATTIE GRACE! 

This parade was very well organized and so SPECIAL! Thank you NCE Admin and Staff for making this happen! 

Luke got 8 different awards, including the Eagle Pride Boy award, which is basically the best behaved and most academic boy in his class. This is the top award any student can get! In fact, he recieved this award in the Fall AND the Spring! We could not be more proud of this little guy! 

Way to go Luke the Duke! 

May 21st 
This was another excited day as I was able to go to Keefer for the Keefer Drive By Parade. This was really neat and I saw about 15 of my orchestra kids pass by with their families! With masks on and 90* weather... It was still just perfect! What a way to end the school year! 

Not many people understood my sign, especially when driving by, but I LIKED IT! And my orchestra kids got it so that is all that matter! I love you KCMS Orchestra! Have a GREAT SUMMER! 

May 22nd 
It's FINALLY the last day of school! The last day of 5th Grade. The last day of 2nd grade. The last day of Chris's 9th year of teaching and the last day of my 15th year of teaching. We survived this CRAZY year and in many ways, it was one of the best ever! It took us 9 years in Texas but we were FINALLY ALL TOGETHER! There were many speed bumps in the road but God got us through! Thank you Jesus! Here's to 2020-2021! 

How can this be? My BABY is headed to MIDDLE SCHOOL! Stop it.. STOP IT NOW! 

And my little guy is NOT SO LITTLE ANYMORE! 

Natalie had her awards today and once again, she brought home the "bacon". She ended up getting about 15 awards including the Eagle Pride Girl Award. As mentioned previously for Luke, this is the highest and most prestigious award a student can get. We are SO PROUD OF YOU Nattie Grace! 

We attempted to put together the trampoline on our own in the afternoon but once we got to the SPRING part, we learned we were just not strong enough! What a complete failure we were! I called the Assemblers Inc. who had put together the swing set and our treadmill years ago and they set us up with an appointment for Monday, Memorial Day. The cost of assembly was nearly as much as the trampoline itself but I feel it is worth it to ensure the proper assembly and safety for my kids! 

The BEFORE picture... 

OUR after picture! HAHA... Face palm, WE SUCK! 

May 23rd 
After we went to the track to get our miles in, Natalie and I went out to go shopping for the first time since March. We went to our favorite store, TJ MAXX, and it was glorious! Plus, they were having GREAT deals with lots of clearance. A little retail therapy never hurt anyone, right! 

This feels SO GOOD... And SO WEIRD!

How do health professionals do this ALL DAY! 

We also stopped at Academy to get Luke some new sliding shorts for baseball since practices, started this week. While at Academy we ventures into the bike section and low and behold was a single teenage girls sized bike. We had been looking online and anytime I went to Walmart but like the trampoline, they were all sold out! This was a God send and once Natalie got on and realized it was the perfect size, we knew we HAD TO GET IT! 

We brought it home and she got right on and rode it like she had been riding a bike for YEARS! She was SO HAPPY! Way to go Natalie Grace! 

This girl was SO HAPPY! And the bike was PERFECT!

Money well spent! 

Luke was hot from riding bikes with Natalie so Oxford tried to cool him off!

We ended the night with our tradition of ice cream on the last day of school... or in this case, the day after the last day of school! I absolutely LOVE this tradition! It signals the START OF SUMMER! 

Happy Summer 2020 with Dairy Queen blizzards! 

It was a busy but exciting week as we wrapped up this crazy school year. This means SUMMER is about to start! Chris and I had one more week of professional development before summer officially begins! We are ready! 

But through it all, we know that GOD is still in CONTROL and HE IS STILL ON HIS THRONE! We will continue to look to HIM for answers and continue to pray for this situation and those it is effecting! 

Even in the midst of all of this... 

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