
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Prenatal Visit #12

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
"Same Song... Second Verse!"

Today I went in for my 37 week OB appointment. This was a little different and special than other appointments because due to some sickness in our house, I had to take Natalie with me. She did AMAZING throughout the entire visit. She sat quietly and calmly in the waiting room while she ate her sucker and then played on my phone. Once we got into the doctor's office she immediately told the nurse that "This is mommy's doctor... NOT MINE!" I had told her this all afternoon so she would not be afraid and it seemed to work.

As soon as Natalie sat down in the chair in the room, she said "The Giraffe licked my hand". This is hilarious to me and my family because while on vacation with my family last week, Natalie went to the Wichita Zoo with Gigi Shirley and Poppy and she was able to feed the Giraffes. I swear since she has got home she has told ANYBODY and EVERYBODY about that Giraffe licking her hand (She tells Abbey and Oxford EVERYDAY!)

Natalie watched nurse Trisha take my blood pressure and asked "What is that?" The nurse explained a little bit to her and Natalie said "Oh, OK!" My blood pressure was 132/80 which is VERY high for me. I have been having numbers that are "Perfect" readings like 120/80 or slightly lower. My nurse said "It is beginning to CREEP". I am not worried about it just yet but I think I will start to check it nightly if possible. When I stepped on the scale I nearly lost it as I have now gained 34 pounds. This is so frustrating to me since I have worked so hard to lose it all in previous months. I know it will all be worth it when I see that little angel look up at me.

The nurse then used the "Doppler" to check for baby Luke's heartbeat. Natalie was still sitting in the chair just watching it all and as soon as the nurse found Luke's heartbeat, Natalie got up out of the chair and said "What's that?" I told her it was baby Luke and she smiled and said "That's my brother!" It just melted my heart! The nurse kept the Doppler on for a minute or two so Natalie could hear him and Natalie just smiled and smiled and once again said "I want to go get him!" You can Natalie in just 12 short days!

When Dr. Markos came in to examine me for dilation and effacement Natalie was really interested in this. She said "Mommy took off her pants". This was highly embarassing to me and I turned BEAT RED but Dr. Markos said "Yes she did... That's because I have to check for your baby brother." Again, Natalie said, "Oh, OK!"

Dr. Markos then measured me to be at 41 weeks and I am only 37 weeks. I was in TOTAL SHOCK because just 7 days ago when I was 36 weeks I was measuring at 37 weeks. I asked about how that happened and he said "The little man is just growing". I reminded him that according tot he ultrasound Luke was only weighing in at 5 pounds 14 ounces. Dr. Markos then checked for dilatation and effacement and LUKE IS OBVIOUSLY A KELLIE DAVIS BABY! I had dreams and thoughts that perhaps I was already dilated since I was having so many cramps, Braxton Hicks and other discomforts but NOPE... I was 0 dilated and 0% effaced. In fact, Dr. Markos said (and I quote) "Wow, he is so high he is all the way on your left tonsil. That is why he is measuring at 41 weeks. He is SKY-HIGH!"

So this sent me into major Deja Vu!!! I remember Dr. Trotter in Shawnee telling me the same thing at 37 weeks and then carrying Natalie for 6 more weeks! I am so very glad that I will be having a scheduled C-Section... otherwise, I think Mr. Luke would be just like his sister! So comfy and cozy, he doesn't want to come out! Dr. Markos also told me that Luke was laying horizontally instead of vertically. This explains why I have feeling kicks and movements on the far side of my abdomen too!

Luke is doing fantastic and only has 12 more days of growing to do then he will be making his BIG ENTRANCE! I go back to see Dr. Markos in a week and unless something changes I am still scheduled for a C-Section on Tuesday, June 12th at 12:30pm! All of us cannot wait and we are just counting down the days and hours til we become a "Family of FOUR!"


ELEVEN Years From Now... Where will we be?

Only God knows!

Throughout my entire Christian life, I have looked to God to help me and guide me through this journey they call life. I have had an amazing "nearly 30" years thus far and I can only imagine what the next decade of my life will look like. I know that if I continue to have faith in God and let him be in control of my life... All will work out fine. But just for fun, I wanted to jot down another "Ten Year Picture" for my life. It will be interesting in 10 years from now to see what has turned out to be true and what has not.

May 2022
  1. I see myself with 2-4 children all growing up to be Christ like individuals.
  2. Natalie will be 13 and going on 30 I am sure, I see myself as the "Cheer" or "Dance" mom and taking her to and from competitions freqeutnly. Even if it is not cheer/ dance, I can already tell Natlie will be a very outgoing child and I see her furture is BRIGHT!
  3. Luke will almost 10 years old and growing up to be a very Godly man and individual. I see him playing Pee-Wee sports and T-ball frequently and Chris and I being the supportive parents cheering him to success on the sidelines.
  4. I dont know if we will have any more children but if we do I see them too growing up to be remarkable individuals that have Chris in their hearts and growing in the Word of Jesus Christ.
  5. I see Chris and I still teaching in our respecated fields. I think by that time Chris will have that fire and passion for teachgin that I do now. I think he will have touched NUMEROUS children's lives by then and will be working on touching more everyday.
  6. I hope to be able to back in the BAND BUSINESS and teaching/ directing band at a major district or school in the Houston Metro area.
  7. I hope to continue to be active in our church and faithful in weekly activities so our children will lead a Christ like life.
  8. I see Chris and I traveling during the summer months with and without our children. My family has always been into vacationing and I cannot wait to continue this tradition for my own children.
  9. I also see my children visiting their grandparetns frequently and vacation with them whenever possible.
  10. I hope to be able to perform at major sporting events in the Houston Metro frequently with my voice and saxophone as well as perform with other ensembles are the metro area (Such as Conroe Symphony Orchestra).
There are numerous other things that I can see happening in my and my families lives but the major picture I want to paint today is love for God and a love for leading a Christ like life. I hope to be able to do both of these on a daily basis for my family. The next TEN years will be interesting to see what happens but no matter what, I know GOD IS IN CONTROL!

As always...

It's been ELEVEN years... (Recap Part 1)

May 25, 2001
Arp High School Graduation
Arp, Texas

It was a scorching 98 degrees outside and we were all lining up to get ready to start the processional to the football field from the Band Hall. I had arrived in my sundress with sunscreen and sunglasses in place. My mom had helped me put on the Maroon Gown and Cap. I was already sweating with excitement and the fact that well... it was MAY IN TEXAS! Mrs. Vaughn had come in and asked us to get into our order. I got into my 6th position behind a great friend of mine, Arethra. With my dad on one side and my mom on the other we began our trek across the goal line through the field goals to our seats. We walked down the main aisle and parted ways as my parents took their seats on the first row and I did the same amongst the other AHS graduates.

The ceremony I do not recall as well as I was just struck with other emotions and feelings. This school and community I had so desperately wanted to "get away" from was actually letting me "get away". I was headed to The University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK to do what I had always dreamed of doing... teaching music and band. It was almost like my entire teenage years flashed before my eyes and I saw my past and yet somehow saw my future as well. I listened to good friends give Valedictorian and Salutatorian addresses and it was about time for me to sing "I Will Remember You". I have never gotten stage fright or nervous about performing but this was different. I felt as if I was being heard by the entire world. The words to this song were so simple yet powerful at the same time.

I will remember you
But will you remember me
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I really listened and heard the line "Don't let your life pass you by" and as I tried to recap the previous 6 years of my life in Arp, Texas, I couldn't help but smile. Sure they were not what I would have pictured but they worked for me. I then looked into my future and saw a much different picture. You see, if you would have asked me 11 years ago where I would be on that day in the future... Some things would be accurate and others would not! But as I look back upon this date in history, I see a beautiful teenage life that I took for granted.

A great teacher friend of mine from Grove told me once (Well more than once), "Don't wish your life away". Anytime I would come into the lounge and say "Only ____ days left til _____" she would tell me not to wish it all away. She told me to just enjoy it while you can. Sure there were days were I just wanted to get out of there and go home but I still need to enjoy each and every waking moment of my life.

If you would have asked me 11 years ago where I thought I would be in the future (2011-2012) I would have painted a picture of a marriage and family and a band directing career. In fact, many people asked me this question as I was completing high school and exiting my small hometown of Arp, TX to go to college at OU in Norman, OK. I told them I wanted to have a family and be doing what I love... TEACHING! I knew that GOD WAS IN CONTROL!!!

Well... God has been good to me and as I sit here typing this blog, I have all that I described and MORE. It may not have been the EXACT way I would have depicted it but it is all there. And I am so very blessed to have it all.

God is Good... ALL the Time!

It's been ELEVEN years... And where am I now? (Recap Part 2)

May 25, 2012
Conroe, Texas

Eleven years ago today I walked across the Football Field at Arp High School to receive my High School diploma. I had waited for many years to get that diploma in my hand and move on to "Bigger and Better" things. I was going to The University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK where my grandfather had gone and played football and my family had always been fans of. The Klingsick family does in fact bleed Crimson and I just couldn't wait to get there.

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this recap, I had dreams of becoming a Band Director and starting a family for myself and my husband (unknown at that time). That is what I had pictured for myself 10 years in the future. Well... let's see how it actually turned out.

August 2001
I moved to Norman, OK with my family to live in the dorms at The University of Oklahoma. I remember passing by Arp High School on our way out of town and seeing my favorite teacher and mentor standing in front of the band hall waving as we passed by. I got to OU and auditioned for the Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band and to my dismay and disbelief, I did not get into the prestigious organization that year. I was devastated and completely torn. Here I was at an amazing University that I had ALWAYS dreamed of going to and I couldn't do what I wanted to do. I had second thoughts about staying there and for a brief minute I thought about coming home and going to TJC where all my other high school friends were going. I had numerous scholarships given to me by OU and I was just going to throw them all away. I knew GOD WAS IN CONTROL and I trusted him to help me through this hard time and help me this first year of college. Wow... I am glad I came to my senses.

January 2005
The years had passed and I had made it into the Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band as well as other performing ensembles at OU. I had been on a "Fast Track" to completing my Bachelors of Music Education degree. In fact I was so anxious to get out there and teach, I had made my 5 year degree into a 4 year degree. I was a senior and working on my Student Teaching. I was working alongside one of the most amazing and influential female band directors in the state of Oklahoma, Susan Clothier. The past 3.5 years had been amazing and I was pressing hard to achieve my goal of teaching and directing band. That was really ALL I had on my mind.

I was working and teaching at Bethel Baptist Church in Norman, OK as a children's choir director. I had told Bro. Jerry, the music minister, that I needed a "bouncer" to help control some of the 4-6 grades boys that were in my choir. A few weeks later along came Chris Davis.

The Man of my Dreams
(He can always make me laugh... even now looking at this picture!)
I love you Chris Davis!

I did not know him but we seemed to click almost instantaneously! On January 27th, Chris asked me out on our 1st date and the rest, as they say, is history. In the blink of an eye, I went from "All Career... ALL THE TIME" to being love-stricken. What a difference a day makes!!!

May 2005
BOOMER SOONER BABY! It was time for me to get that degree. I had worked SO VERY HARD the previous 4 years, especially the last 2, in order to graduate a year early and really get out there and teach. The day had come for the OU graduation and commencement ceremonies. I remember having my then boyfriend, Chris, right there beside me the whole time. I felt like I had really accomplished something and it all seemed to be coming together! I was so very happy! Later that month, I accepted my 1st teaching job in Bowlegs, OK teaching K-4 general music and 5-12 band! I felt like I had it all at this moment!

July 2005
Chris and I had been dating for about 6 months or so and we both really enjoyed spending time together. We had gone on several dates and in fact, we had met each other's parents several times. On the weekend of July 4th we made the long trek out to the "Farm" in Lubbock where Chris' parents lived. We had a great time with his parents, brother and sister. We fired off fireworks on the back part of the farm and I really got to see where he was from and his families lifestyle. Chris and I were very faithful in church and were about to commit to teaching a Sunday School class together in the fall!

We had just begun to talk about "The Future" and marriage and stuff like that. We both knew that this was for real and happening. We even began to discuss rings! On Sunday, July 31st I was at our Large Group Sunday School time with my 4th Graders and in came Chris to the front to make an announcement. I figured he was going to tell the kids that he and I would be teaching together soon. Instead, he got down on one knee and proposed to me saying "Kellie, you make me so very happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" I was so shocked at the whole ordeal and was shaking but of course I SAID YES! He placed the ring on my finger and it was all done. In fact I looked at the back of the small room and saw all of his singles class watching as well as the music minister and his wife who more or less set us up in the first place.  By the time we got to "Big Church" and the worship service... our pictures and the announcement was all over the screens. I will NEVER forget that day!

March 2006
It was a beautiful 75 degree day in Norman, OK and I was with all of my girlfriends at the Bridal Salon about to get ready for my BIG DAY! I remember arriving with my sister and Best Friend and yelling "I'm getting Married TODAY! Woohoo!" (A line from FRIENDS... Allison will get it!) and all of them laughing! By noon, I was in my dress and ready to take pre-ceremony pictures with my bridesmaids, groomsmen and family. The day I had ALWAYS dreamed about was FINALLY here and I could not believe it! We took all the pre-wedding pictures and then went to the choir room to "wait it out". It was there that I signed Kellie Rhea Klingsick for the last time... in a few short minutes, I would become Kellie Rhea Davis. It was surreal. It was 1:55 and the time had come to go outside to go through the back door of the Sanctuary. I remember people honking, waving and yelling at me as I walked along the busy Norman, OK Lindsay Street. It was 2:00pm and the wedding party had started to enter the Sanctuary. My dad and I stood outside the Sanctuary just taking it all in. I will never forget my dad's last word to me as Kellie Klingsick, "I love you Kellie and I know Chris will take good care of you. But no matter what, you will ALWAYS be my little girl." Those words spoke to my heart and they will be with me forever.

I will always be a "Daddy's Girl"!

My wedding coordinator, Barbara, opened the doors and there was Chris at the front with a huge smile on his face.

I am so glad our photographer captured this face! I will remember this ALWAYS!

The crowd stood up and watched me take those precious steps to becoming a wife. It was the most amazing feeling in the world! I got to the front and my dad gave me away and that too is something I will NEVER forget! The ceremony proceeded and in all reality I don't remember much except for the fact that there I stood living out my dreams of getting married to the MAN OF MY DREAMS! I remember looking out at all my family and friends and smiles were everywhere. That was 6 1/2 years ago and those have been the best 6 years of my life and I cannot wait for the next 6, 36, 66 years ahead of us!

After the wedding, Chris and I took our honeymoon to London, England. In all of my dreams and fairytales of my wedding and honeymoon, I never imagined London. I mean I did think of the overseas amazing honeymoon but I always  told myself "Yeah, right. That is expensive! My future Beau and I wouldn't be able to afford that!" Well... yet again, God heard me and had his own plans! Chris and I went to London for 8 days and these were some of the BEST days of my life! It was amazing to see what life in Europe was like. I will never forget getting to the hotel room and looking at the 2 SEPARATE beds. They were both twin sized and separated in the room. I went down to the front desk and was like "But it is my HONEYMOON!" The nice and polite English people looked at me with a smirk on their face and said "But this is LONDON!" I will never forget that! Needlesstosay, we pushed the two twins together the rest of the week!

Chris and I in front of Tower Bridge in London!

The beautiful Westminster Abbey!

October 2006
I had just completed my 1st year of teaching at Bowlegs Public School and had moved on to teaching at a K-8 school in Shawnee, OK called Grove School. I had no idea at that time what a HUGE impact Grove and its faculty, staff, students and community would make on my life as a teacher, band director and even person. Chris and I still lived in Norman and wanted to live closer to both of our work locations so we moved to Shawnee, OK. It was on October 5, 2006 we closed on our very first home together! It was such a joy to shop for a house with the person you love just thinking of what "could be" in that house you will soon call home.

Our first home: 4339 Liberty Circle, Shawnee, OK

August 2007
Chris and I were so very happy in our marriage and lives together. We had been on numerous trips and vacations together as well as other activities such as attending 2 season of OU home Football Games together. We were in love! But the time had come to begin to start thinking about that "Family" we both so eagerly wanted. Little did we know, God had other plans (Lessons really) for us!

August 2008
It had been a year since we first trying trying to conceive and no luck. We had kept our hopes up and faith in God and him providing for us. Since it had been a year, we began to work alongside a fertility specialist. We heard everything from "Kellie, you are too fat to conceive" to "Chris, you need to change your wardrobe to help to situation (undergarments)". We were getting so discouraged and all seemed lost in our hopes of the "Family" we had always wanted. We had both gotten very discouraged and for the 1st time in my life, I can say I was LITERALLY DEPRESSED! In fact my family doctor had prescribed medication but it was conflicting with the other medications and treatments we were using to help conceive. Through it all, we knew GOD IS IN CONTROL!

November 2008
This truly was a "November to Remember"! We went to Las Vegas with Chris and his family for Thanksgiving that year and had a great time. Neither Chris or I had ever been to Vegas so it was an experience for both of us and I am grateful to his parents for helping us be able to enjoy this trip together and with them. The whole trip was a little mellow for me as I was awaiting yet another monthly visit from "Aunt Flo" and still not be pregnant! I had a great time but that was constantly on my mind. We had taken 3 tests before we left for Vegas and even 2 while there. Still NO PINK LINE!

We got home on Sunday afternoon and tried to rest up for the following day and week at our jobs. I know I had a very busy Christmas season of Band Concerts, Christmas Cantatas and other performances ahead of me and Chris too was very busy. I woke up on Monday morning and hung my head in disappointment that "Aunt Flo" had not shown up yet. I remember walking to the bathroom really slowly thinking "I am going to go waste yet another test only to find out it is negative". I said a little prayer asking God to be with me and help me remember GOD IS IN CONTROL. About 5 minutes later, I came yelling and screaming out of the bathroom "Chris... It's POSITIVE! WE ARE PREGNANT" Chris was still half asleep but work up real fast and just hugged me. I swear we spent the next 30 minutes or so just praying and thanking God for that PINK LINE! It was a miracle!

The remainder of the that Holiday Season was amazing as we were able to tell all of our family, friends and co-workers of our miracle and spread the good news that God was in Control. I will never forget that Holiday Season.

March 2009
We found out we were having a little GIRL! We both were thrilled and decided to name her Natalie Grace!

Natalie Grace at 20 weeks gestation.

August 2009
It had been nearly 2 years since we decided to start trying to have a baby and 9 long months of waiting for this little miracle to join our family. After a nearly perfect pregnancy the day had arrived and I was anxiously waiting to meet this new baby, Natalie Grace. Monday, August 3 was a very long day. This was my projected due date and I basically just sat around all day thinking "Is today the day". The next days and eventually weeks passed and still no Natalie. I was 41 weeks pregnant and had to go in to hook up to a monitor in order to check on Natalie Grace. Still after another week still no Natalie Grace. I was 42 weeks now and had to go and monitor Natalie's progress and mine every other day. I was told we would induce on August 20th which would have been 42 weeks and 3 days. This seemed like forever to be carrying a child so I was thrilled to be able to finally meet her. Little did I know, I would be sent home on the 20th WITHOUT a baby!

Monday, August 24th had arrived and Chris and I went to the hospital there in Shawnee to meet our baby girl. I was 43 weeks exactly and as my husband told the doctor "We are not leaving here without a baby!" I had had ENOUGH! I was only 4 days shy of a Guinness Book of World Records. The birth story in an of itself was an amazing experience but after nearly 26 hours of labor and still no Natalie, we had to have an emergency C-Section! On Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 7:34am Natalie Grace entered the world with a powerful set of lungs. She weighed 9 pounds 3 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
God's Gift to me... Natalie Grace Davis: August 25, 2009

She was beautiful. In all of my hopes and dreams throughout the years, I never imagined such a BEAUTIFUL baby! I was speechless and forever grateful to be called "Mom"!

Our first "Family Picture" when Natalie was 1 month old!

December 2009
I had been working so hard for over 18 months to complete my Masters of Music degree from UCO in Edmond, OK. I had always wanted to get graduate degrees in Music so I could one day teach Music/ Band at the collegiate level. I worked through many summer months, Fall and Spring evenings and even weekends to make it happen but I completed the degree in July 2009, just weeks before Natalie Grace arrived, and was able to walk across stage with a perfect 4.0 (At the graduate level is hard to do) in December of 2009.
UCO Master's of Music Ceremony in Edmond, OK

August 2010
Natalie Grace had just turned 1 year old and was growing like a weed. She was up and down and walking all around! It was amazing how quickly she had grown into a toddler. She was no longer a newborn or infant. It is like I could see her life flash before my eyes. She and daddy had spent the previous 10 months together at home and we could not be happier.

Miss Birthday Girl opening her 1st Birthday gifts!
Except for 10 months now, Chris had been without a job and we were struggling just to pay the bills and stay afloat. Chris had been on over 30 interviews in that long 10 months without any luck of a decent full-time job. With the cost of daycare and babysitting, it was better for Chris just to stay at home instead of go and take a minimum wage job at Wal-mart or McDonald's. It was at the end of this month that Chris and I had a heart-to-heart talk with each other and with God. We felt it was time for Chris to look at a different career.

Chris had taught with me before in various Sunday School classes at numerous churches so I knew he was good with kids. In fact, after Natalie was born I saw a side of Chris I had never seen before. He is AMAZING with kids! I love that about him! We decided late one night in August for Chris to pursue the teaching field. It was then he began to work on his Alternative Certification.

December 2010
Chris had been working on his certification full time now and was nearly complete with all the paperwork, tests and classes. I was still teaching at Grove and LOVING it. In fact it was during this month that I was awarded a very prestigious title of Teacher of the Year for Grove School. I was awarded the "Pottawatomie County Teacher of Today" award for our entire county. These were priceless awards for me and I never thought I would achieve such a career goal in my TWENTIES. I felt like I had just accomplished something HUGE and it felt great!

Grove School "Teacher of the Year" 2010-2011!

"Pottawatomie County Masonic Teacher of Today 2011"

May 2011
Chris and Natalie had been in Houston on and off for about 3 months looking for Chris a teaching job in the Houston metro area. His parents now lived in Conroe and we had hoped to be able to move and be closer to them and my parents as well. This was a very hard 3 week stretch as I had not seen Chris or Natalie for over 20 days and it was the end of the school year at Grove. This was the first time in my career at Grove that Chris had missed a concert of mine. I knew it was all for the better though.

On Friday, May 27th, on my last day at school at Grove, I got a phone call shortly before 10am stating that Chris had gotten a job offer!! It had been 20 long months of waiting to try to find that perfect job for Chris and it had all come together! It was an amazing feeling and i could not believe it was actually happening and we would be moving to Houston soon. We started telling people "Houston,  we have a problem... THE DAVIS Family is coming to town!" There was only a few hours left for me to tell all of my kids at Grove goodbye and that I would not be back in the Fall. It was a day full of mixed emotions, I was excited to be able to start a new life in Houston but sad to see my wonderful kids and job go and have to say good-bye. But none-the-less, I knew God was in control and was excited to see the next chapter of our lives.

Our last day in the Liberty Circle House in Shawnee.

June 2011
After countless interviews int the Houston metro area, I still did not have a job teaching music or band. I had decided that I was more marketable in the elementary field so I had stopped putting in applications for band jobs and focused more on elementary jobs. I went to interview at an elementary school in Spring ISD called Booker Elementary. The interview went like all the other ones I had been on in the last month and I didn't expect a phone call. About 3 hours after the interview concluded, I got a job offer from Booker Elementary. It truly was a GOD THING! It may not be the ideal job for me (I want to be teaching BAND) but it works for us none-the-less!

October 2011
Umm.... this was a little unexpected but Chris and I saw another PINK LINE. Since the last time around it took us 15+ months and neither of us were getting any younger, we decided to start trying to grow our family from 3 to 4. After just 2 months of trying, we got a PINK LINE! We were a little shocked at first since it happened so quickly (All of us were... in fact, some people were so shocked they didn't even say anything after we told them!) but after a few days we saw the big picture and yet again we looked to GOD! We knew that God was in CONTROL!

January 2012
After 17 weeks of waiting to see if Natalie was going to have a baby sister or baby brother, we saw the ultrasound technician point to the important part which depicted a BABY BROTHER! David Luke Davis will be joining our family in June 2012! I feel I can now die a happy woman. I will soon have 1 of each! That too was part of my plan 10+ years ago when I painted a picture of my life!

May 2012
After another 10 long months of waiting, Chris and I have finally sold our 1st house in Shawnee. We have been living with my in-laws since then and will continue to live with them until after Baby Luke comes and we are able to find new house that we will call home! This will be the house we raise our children in and the house we hope to graduate our children in!

SOLD... May 21, 2012! God is GOOD!

With a little over 2 weeks to go until Baby Luke arrives (at the latest), Chris and I are wrapping up our first year of teaching in Texas and beginning to look into our future. With the sell of the house and Baby Luke joining our family soon, we are truly beginning the next chapter in our lives together. I feel as if we have been in a 10 month "holding pattern" since moving down here in June of 2011 and I cannot wait for this new chapter to begin. In everything, Chris and I have learned to trust God and remember HE IS IN CONTROL!

Looking back at the 11 years since graduating High School, I have had an amazing journey and I have basically achieved EVERYTHING I had on my "10 Year Bucket List". I am VERY grateful to God for providing me with these people, things and events in my lifetime that have led me to this day! I think the picture I painted on May 25, 2001 is remarkably similar to the picture of my life right now. I AM BLESSED and I OWE IT ALL TO GOD! Without Him none of this would have happened or be possible! Thank you Lord, for Your continued blessings!

This is a true reminder...


Friday, May 25, 2012

Prenatal Visit #11

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
"Different Davises"

Today I went in for my 36 week OB appointment and ultrasound. It started out with an ultrasound to check the development of Baby Luke and most importantly his weight. I went into the ultrasound tech room and the technician checked Luke's organ. She measured all of them and got "readings" on each of them. They all seemed a little "Smashed" to me and I was not able to make out any of the organs. She told me a few of them, like the kidneys, and told me the approximately gestational age. For some of the measurements, Luke was measuring at 34 and 35 weeks and I am currently 36 weeks. I asked if that was normal and she said yes. We also got to Triple/ Quadruple/ whatever-ple check if its still a boy and yes... IT IS STILL A BOY! In fact she smiled and said "here are the testicles and private parts... that is CLEARLY a boy". I was all smiles from that point on! She tried to take a few pictures of his face but it was very "crowded" in there as she said. I have a few pictures but none are really good or even look like a fetus face.

I asked her right before I left the room what his weight was and right now Luke weighs 5 pounds 14 ounces. The typical weight for a 36 week fetus is 6.5 pounds! She said that at max he would gain 1.5-2 pounds in the next 3 weeks so I would more than likely have a high 6 or low 7 pound baby. I was completely dumbfounded!!! First of all, this is a KLINGSICK/ DAVIS baby and I just expected higher. Although Chris reminded me last night that him and his siblings were all very small and each below 7 pounds. Second, at 37.5 weeks with Natalie, she weighed 7.4! She was a big little baby. I remember Dr. Trotter in Shawnee telling me that she would be a high 8 baby! She came out weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces but again I carried her 43 WEEKS!  It is already apparent how different these two kiddos are going to be!

After the ultrasound, I waited a short time before I was able to go back and see Dr. Markos. My nurse checked my weight 1st and I had gained 2 pounds since last visit which puts me over the 30 pounds mark. I was not happy about this at all and I almost immediately got depressed and anxious thinking about the long/ hard diet that is soon to come. After the weight check, my nurse checked my blood pressure. Today is was 100/70 which is a great number but is a little low (especially) the top for me. She did not use the Doppler to check Luke's heart rate since it was checked during the ultrasound. His heart rate was 133 bpm during the Ultrasound and it was amazing to watch his little heart JUST A BEATIN'!

We talked about my contractions a little bit and discussed when to be alarmed and what to do when these pesky Braxton Hicks pains and contractions start. She was VERY helpful and I feel alot better about the whole situation. Now I still feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE when the contractions are actually happening but I feel better about the long run solution. This all reminds me of one of my favorite scenes of FRIENDS of all time... "Minor Discomfort! Hahaha... what does he know"- said by Rachel as she was taken to the ER for Braxton Hicks. "No uterus... No Opinion"! I now FULLY understand her pain! (Allison, that was for you!!!)

Dr. Markos came in and did the "usual" questioning and then discussed the ultrasound and Luke's weight. He guessed that Luke would be a high 6 pound baby. He did the Group B strep test and then concluded by reviewing the ultrasound details! He also reassured me about the difference in the ultrasound gestational age and the actual gestational age. He confirmed that it was nothing to worry about and they are usually 3 weeks plus or minus anyway. He told me some of the measurements such as the head circumference, abdominal circumference and Bi partial Diameter of the Head. All of these were in the 35th week of Gestation and his Femur Length was 34 weeks and 6 days. His Head Circumference was 38 weeks and 2 days. I guess it is a good thing I will be having a C-Section... YIKES! He just seems so much different that Natalie already and I cannot wait to see these differences in a few weeks.

I will go back in one week to starting getting checked for dilation and effacement! Dr. Markos thinks all is well and I am doing just fine and should be able to carry to complete term (39 weeks... June 12th). That was great news to hear! I am thinking instead of a Birthday Baby pool, maybe my family and I should have a Baby weight pool! That would be fun and interesting to see a difference in my two kiddos!

Baby Luke arrives in 21 days! Wow... I just cannot believe it! I am READY! Thank you Lord, for Your continued blessings!

God is Good... ALL THE TIME!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I am a ROOKIE! (Again)

Monday, May 14, 2012

This weekend, Chris and I were able to spend some quality alone time together since Natalie is on vacation with my mom and dad to Kansas. We were able to go and eat and even enjoy a movie together. We went to see The Avengers together on Sunday afternoon. This is not really my type of movie but I did really enjoy it and I love being able to spend time with Chris DOING SOMETHING HE ENJOYS! That really helps a relationship and I know he appreciates it!

While attending this movie I saw many a family with a young boy or son in attendance. In fact during the movie I found myself thinking "Umm.... I don't know how to raise a boy! I have never had a brother. I don't know what to do". As we were leaving the theater, we were behind a young father with a 5-6 year old who was just raving about the movie and its characters. The little boy was acting out how "The Hulk" or "Captain America" was fighting it was just too cute but I just felt so inexperienced.

I have thought about all the sporting events and teams and other sporting things but these type of comics and boy movies/ activities HAVE NEVER CROSSED my mind! I now feel in over my head and as if I am a ROOKIE MOM all over again! But like Chris said, "Don't worry honey, YOU HAVE ME!" (Meaning Chris). He always knows how to make me smile!

I know Baby Luke is going to to bring something TOTALLY new to the table for both me and Chris and I am a little nervous about my lack of experience. I know that I will learn as he grows but I think it FINALLY hit me... I don't know how to be a mom of a BOY! But not to worry...I know God will help me! Either way, I cannot wait for my little BOY! He will be here in less than a month!


Less Than a Month

Sunday, May 13, 2012
"Less than a month to go"

Saturday marked the one month countdown to Baby Luke's arrival. In honor of that memorable calendar moment, Chris, my parents and Jackie all contributed to getting ready for Mr. Luke by re-arranging our living room, to make room for additional newborn supplies, as well as prepare the nursery for Baby Luke. This was an ALL DAY process beginning at 8am and ending roughly at 5pm. In fact, even Natalie helped.

We moved Natalie's room around to make room for some storage items and give her room a little more space and help clear the living room of added toys and toddler items. We ended up stacking the beds in her room to create bunk beds.  I was a little nervous of how she would take this change but thanks to Gigi Shirley's help in creating a "home" for her babies and laying down in the new bunk bed with Natalie, she adjusted so well that after lunch she ASKED to go take a nap in her new bed! I was very grateful for her good attitude and adjustment and my mom's ability and patience to work with her to get used to the new room and bed! Thanks MOM!

We also took apart the toddler bed and made it into a crib for Baby Luke. This was my 5th time to have to put together the crib/ toddler bed since Natalie's birth. This was due to the large width base of this particular crib and the narrow-ness of the doorways in both Shawnee and here. What was frustrating is after 5 times of putting the crib together, I still put the front arms of the crib on wrong and had to completely re-do a step and fix it! You would think after 5 times, I would have it down! Either way, the nursery is ready with the crib and changing table and it looks great.
I have to admit it looks a little weird without the pink and yellow flowers from Natalie's nursery but I must say... I LOVE THE SPORTS theme!
The changing table all ready to go with the new baskets Jackie made us!
(Ignore the pink Boppy pillow... I am going to get a BOY cover this weekend!)

I am going to continue to work this week while Natalie is go to get all of the clothes folded, hung and put away. Although, I discovered this weekend, this boy has ALOT of clothes. About 1/3 of his total wardrobe was given to us from a neighbor. The rest of either purchased through stores and consignment or given to us by generous people from our Church or SS class. It is amazing how much he has already and I cannot wait to put him in some of these outfits!

We also discovered some of the vital newborn things we are still lacking such as pacifiers, bottles/ nipples, burp cloths, a diaper bag and other necessities. I am going to continue to organize the nursery and Luke's room to help get an even better idea of what we need to get in the next few weeks. Hopefully, I can get the nursery organized and have a list of needs by this weekend so I can spend the following weekend, getting these much needed items!

Also this weekend, my mother in-law helped transform some nursery baskets I had used with Natalie into BOY BASKETS by creating sports themed basket liners for them. I am so amazed at how people like her can look at a given piece of clothing or in this case a basket liner and create a pattern for it and then use fabric to create a new one. I had been searching long and hard for nearly a month looking for baskets for the changing table with no luck. In fact, I went ahead and purchased so that I didn't really like just so we would have some. After I explained to Jackie what I wanted, she looked at the baskets I already had with pink liners and said she could create new ones for me. We used Chris and Dan's help in getting proper mathematical measurements and on Saturday Jackie completed these basket liners. They look fantastic and I am more than thrilled with their look and outcome! Thank you SO MUCH JACKIE! You are AWESOME!

I cannot believe little Luke will be here in now LESS THAN A MONTH! If you would have asked me two weeks ago if I was ready, I would have been in a panic and said "NO!" but now I feel as if little Luke decides to come early, I am ready for him to grace us with his presence! All of this is thanks to my parents, Chris and Jackie! I know this month is just going to FLY by but I am going to try to not only get EVERYTHING ready for Luke but also spend much needed ALONE time with Natalie. She only has 1 month left as an only child and I know that is going to be a shock to her as well.

I just cant believe that in 1 month I will be the mother of TWO! Crazy huh?


Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Reflections 2012: "Mama's Gonna Cry"

Friday, May 11, 2012
"Mama's Gonna Cry"

This past Sunday our church celebrated the graduating Seniors with a special recognition service, musical performance and sermon. The service and recognition was not as special to me as it has been in the past since I have not taught any of these students. During the previous 2 ceremonies at Immanuel Baptist Church in Shawnee, OK I had taught a great number of the students recognized so it was extra special to me. Being new to Conroe and Mims Baptist Church, not only had I not taught any of these students but I don't even know most of them. However, the sermon really touched mine and Chris' hearts.

Our Pastor, Bro. Gene, was preaching about Moses and the story of his famous parents, Amram and Jochebed. He started this story off with an illustration about "mamas". During the recognition of the graduating seniors the parents went down to the front of the sanctuary to stand alongside their children. It was here that all the "mamas" began to cry. The preacher made a reference to the fact that "Mamas Gonna Cry".

The Day the Baby was brought into this world- Mama cried
The Day he/ she took 1st steps- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she started Kindergarten- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she graduated Elementary School/ Middle School- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she started to drive- Mama cried
The Day he/ she graduated High School- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she started college- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she graduated college- Mama Cried
The Day he/ she got married- Mama Cried

Pastor Gene immediately followed this timeline scenario with the statement "Mamas Gonna Cry". I sat there in the orchestra pit tearing up thinking about my little Natalie Grace and all the "firsts" she has already experienced and the tears I have already shed for her. It is like I saw her whole life flash before my eyes. I stopped in that moment and thanked God for Natalie and the blessing she is to me.

This week, I also cried as it was the last week of "school"/ Mother's Day Out for Natalie for her 2 year old school year. She had been in Mother's Day Out at Immanuel in Shawnee but that was when she was so young and it was less of a school atmosphere. She considers this "school" and she will come home and show me her artwork or tell me what she learned or sing the song they practiced. Yesterday, was Natalie's last day of "school" for this year it was bittersweet to see her grow up and end this year. I have kept a small "treasure box" of her creations all year and they are now marked and sealed with a "2011-2012 (2 year) MDO" and under her bed. And yes, I did cry as I listened to her tell me about her last day of school yesterday and show me her "End of the Year" party treats.

Natalie's 2 year old MDO picture (2012)
Natalie's last day of MDO for 2012

However,  that was nothing compared to what I got to experience last night. Chris, Gigi Jackie and I were able to experience a VERY special EVENT in Natalie's life last night, as it was her MDO Spring Concert at Crossroad's Baptist Church. As a music teacher and performer, this was a very special moment in my life as my little "angel" got up on stage and sang to The Lord. Trust me (Chris can verify), the tears were coming down from the moment she walked into the auditorium all the way until she walked off stage! It was great to just lean over on Chris' shoulder and shed a tear or two (Or two thousand) for my little baby and the little "GIRL" she has become.

It was a beautiful program and I am so VERY VERY PROUD of my NATALIE GRACE! I know I have some special pregnancy hormones going on right now but the tears just kept coming. In spite of those hormones, I learned something last night... MAMAS ALWAYS GONNA CRY! God has truly blessed me and I am go very grateful for Natalie Grace and her soon to be brother David Luke. I am so glad to be called "MAMA"!  

Happy Mother's Day 2012!


Mother's Day Reflections 2012: "Motherhood: A Blessing"

Thursday, May 10, 2012
"Motherhood: A Blessing"

All this week at school the PAWS (activity) teachers are doing a special rotation where we are having each of our K-3 grade students come to our classes for an abbreviated session to make special projects for their mom for Mother's Day. The art teacher and computer teacher are making cute pictures and posters for the moms with words that describe them and other activities. Even the PE teacher is creating an exercise workout that the student and mom can do together. It is a really neat idea and I have loved it all week.

In music we are making maracas out of paper picnic plates and dried pinto beans. I have done this MANY times in the past and the little kids just love the noise it makes. I have had the students write something along the lines of "My mom Rocks" on the outside of the plate and create or make a song / jingle for their mom and sing it to them on Mother's Day!

As a team, the activity teachers got together to go over logistics last week and I was informed that there were a few students who don't live with their moms but grandmas and 1 student in particular did not have a mom because she was killed 2 years ago by her ex-husband in a battle for custody of her 2 sons. This student is the most ADORABLE little black boy you have EVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE! He is so sweet, kind and respectful and his smile will just melt your heart. We decided as a team to give that particular group of students in this boy's class a choice of making the projects for moms/ grandmas or themselves.

He came in on Monday to do the 1st step of decorating the plate for the maracas and I made it a point to tell his class they did not have to make it for mom but they could make it for themselves. I tried to emphasize decorating sports and other things on their plates to try to avoid any issues with this student. He turned in his plate on Monday and in the rush of things, I didn't even get a chance to look at his plate to see what he drew on it...

Until today when he and his class came back for day 2 and part 2 of making the maracas. He came to fill his plate with beans and I noticed he wrote the same words as I did on my model plate of "My Mom ROCKS!". I didn't say anything but after all the rest of his class had gone through the bean line, he came up to me and said "Mrs. Davis, can I tell you something?" I, not knowing what he was going to say, said "Sure". He replied, "It is sad... But I just wanted to let you know that my mom died when I was 5." I responded with eyes full of tears, "I know Devin. I am sorry to hear that. In fact you didn't have to decorate your plate about Mother's Day." He interrupted me and said "No, no Mrs. Davis... I wanted to. My mom LOVED music and this was something I know she would have LOVED me to bring home and share with her. I also wrote 'I miss you Mom' on the back of my plate!"

Wow... I was speechless and in awe at the same time. Here was this 8 year old who lost his mom (and dad) in a terrible scenario yet had the courage to not only make her a plate but come and tell me (the new teacher) about the whole situation. He and I just sat there at the front of my room crying together. In fact, he said "Mrs. Davis, do you want me to go get you a tissue?" I just couldn't believe his maturity about this situation. I was very impressed!

My own mother lost her father when she was also very young and I in turn was never able to meet my maternal grandfather. My mom has not shared ALOT with my sister and I about her dad but she has shared stories much like this about his likes /dislikes and what she and her own sisters loved doing with him. These stories are ALWAYS fascinating to me and I really enjoy hearing them. I am always curious to hear more of the stories about my grandfather as a person and him as a dad as well. I have always been amazed at my mom's ability to talk about it all and go through the Father's Day traditions every year with her not even having a father most of her life! I am admire her for being so strong!

Motherhood and Fatherhood (and parenting in general)are true gifts from God and a blessing. We must never take it for granted! I personally have never lost a parent, especially at a very young age, and I am eternally grateful for that. I too, hope my children will never have to face this issue either but I know that God is in control and He had a plan for little Devin's life as well as my own mom, her sisters and her mother's lives as well. I thank God for my mom and my dad and their leadership and guidance in my life. I cannot imagine my life without them.

Motherhood... A true blessing!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day Reflections 2012: "A Baby Changes Everything"

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
"A Baby Changes EVERYTHING"

As Mother's Day approaches us this Sunday, May 13, 2012 I am reflecting on my short years as a mother and my time spent alongside my own mother, grandmothers and mother in-law. These 4 women are very unique, each in their own ways, and have made a true impact on my life and how I am as a mother as well. I am grateful to God for giving each of them to me and allowing me to see what a wonderful and Godly example each of them has set for not only me but their own children and grandchildren as well.

I am going to start with reflections of my 2+ years of being a mother. Just as most women do at a young age, I always dreamt of being a mother and having my own little family when I grew up. When Chris and I married 6 years ago, we knew we wanted to have children but not necessarily immediately. We waited about 2 years to start trying to have a child. We wanted to be able to start our marriage off with "alone time" and really set the foundation for our lives together by being together as often as possible. These 1st few years were fantastic and I will never forget them... but our lives really changed once we started to "try" to conceive.

We began what we thought would be a short process in August 2007. We had been married about 2 years and wanted to go ahead and start our family. As month after month passed and there still wasn't a "pink line" on the pregnancy test, we began to worry and start to follow up with my doctor in Norman and then Shawnee. About 11 months had passed since the start of this process and Chris and I decided it was time to see a specialist. I was referred to someone in Shawnee and we began that long process of paperwork and tests in August of 2008. We both were getting anxious, frustrated and more for me than Chris just overall depressed. In fact, this was the first time in my life that I experienced real depression. We decided not to do "in vitro" or any other kind of medical "treatment" just yet as those were incredibly expensive and we just did have the cash on hand. I remember being so upset and depressed that I was shopping one time in Dillard's at Shawnee Mall and seeing a teacher from school who just came up to me and we prayed for a baby in the middle of the Woman's Department of Dillard's! She was a God send and I will never forget her or that prayer time for as long as I live! Thank you Kelli Hoffman!

I will never forget the Sunday Morning sermon given by our Pastor, Todd Fisher, at Immanuel Baptist Church in Shawnee, OK that Sunday morning in late September. It was a sermon about prayer and how to pray correctly. Needlesstosay, we were not praying correctly. Chris and I both left that service touched by the Holy Spirit and we immediately changed our personal quiet times, couples devotional and prayer time. I remember getting up every morning and beginning my quiet time with the story of Hannah. I would just sob and sob about not being able to be a mother and wanting a baby SO BAD! Yet somehow over the following weeks, I felt a peace that I had not felt for quite some time.

In November of 2008, Chris and I went on vacation with his family to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving. This was a trip I will never forget and all us Davis' had a blast. I remember taking it easy while on that trip because I was "late". We got back home from Vegas on a Saturday and on Monday when I took the 4th pregnancy test, the "pink line" appeared and we were pregnant. It was a TRUE TEST OF MY PATIENCE AND FAITH IN GOD for sure! It had been 15 long, draining and depressing months of waiting and we finally saw that line. I will never forget running into the bedroom from the bathroom just screaming "Were PREGNANT". It was one of the best moments of my life.

The following 9 months (WELL REALLY 10) were a true blessing for me and at 43 weeks and 1 day I delivered our precious gift from God, Natalie Grace, via C-Section on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 7:34am. She weighed 9 pounds and 3 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. The induction/ labor process itself was yet another TEST IN MY PATIENCE AND FAITH IN GOD! There were times where the doctor wanted to send us home (Again, I was 43 weeks along...crazy huh?) and other times where my blood pressure was so high and Natalie's heart rate was dropping where we weren't sure if we would leave with a baby. After about 24 hours of labor, Dr. Trotter came in and said it was time to do an emergency C-Section... I was devastated but had no time to worry about that! Approximately 13 minutes later, Natalie Grace entered the world and I have never been the same!

She is my EVERYTHING and I am so very grateful to God for giving me this gift. I think of my many friends, family and acquaintances who have had the same struggles as Chris and I did and I am forever grateful for God's faithfulness to our family. I also continue to pray for each of these families and hope God will give them the peace that "passes all understanding" about His plans for their life. Chris and I are so undeserving of Natalie Grace and we know she is a true gift from God and a blessing to us! I love you Natalie Grace and you will ALWAYS be my little miracle and GIFT! 

In October of 2011, Chris and I saw another "pink line" and are now expecting our 2nd child, David Luke in less than 5 weeks! We are both thrilled to be able to continue our family and receive yet another gift from God. I am so blessed to be called a "Mother" and I thank God for that opportunity EACH AND EVERY DAY!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and may we NEVER forget...


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Prenatal Visit #10

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
"Not at the same time"

Today I went in for my 34 week OB appointment/ check up and all is still well with me and Baby Luke. He is growing perfectly and doing great. I wish I could say the same... All I can say is "IT IS HOT!" I swear it gets HOTTER and HOTTER EVERY DAY! Oh... and I get BIGGER and BIGGER EVERY DAY! These two make for a pretty miserable day by 2:30-3:00pm. But that is OK... I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks with just me and Natalie and daddy. It still seems hard for me to believe that in less than five weeks I will be a mother of 2! Seems crazy but I am ready!

As usual, the appointment began with the taking of my blood pressure and checking my weight. Both of which were a little high for me and my previous bi-weekly or monthly stats. In just 2 short weeks I had gained nearly 5 pounds... YIKES!!!! Now I kept telling myself that is because I got the green light to eat sweets again, and honey let me tell you... I ATE THOSE SWEETS! It is like I had been so cautious and careful the previous 30 some weeks and I was going to make up for lost time:)! But, I DID NOT like the number I saw on the scale so I am going to tone it down a bit! My blood pressure was 131/78 which is still a good number but my nurse said Dr. Markos would want to retake it in after a short wait time.

Sure enough, as Dr. Markos came in and checked all my statistics and figures he noticed 3 things: The high Blood Pressure (For me), the 5 pound weight gain and MY FAT FEET. Yes... the dreaded SWELLING of my ankles and feet has started. He took my Blood Pressure again and it was 120-78 which is almost perfect and usual for me. He explained that the weight gain was more than likely because of the swelling and retaining of water. But he also said the baby could have just gone through a growth spurt too... Of course lets hope the 5 pounds is not all LUKE!!!! He measured me at 34 weeks "and some change" as he said so I seem to be right on target for my little man. Dr. Markos also used the "Doppler" to check Luke's heartbeat which was in the 120s and 130s. Dr. Markos also liked to poke around at my belly and Luke just to get a laugh! It was interesting to see Luke's heartbeat change after being poked at!

Dr. Markos mentioned wanting me to have another ultrasound next time (36 weeks) to check on an approximate weight of Baby Luke. I am really anxious to see this figure since when I was 36 weeks pregnant with Natalie, Dr. Trotter estimated a 7 1/2 pound baby and Natalie came out 9.3!!!! Now keep in mind I was 43 weeks pregnant when I delivered precious Natalie so there was a 7 week wait time in between that ultrasound and the actual delivery date but I am still curious to see if I will just be prone to have big babies or was it because I was 43 weeks along!!! Either way, I will be able to find out his current weight (at 36 weeks) and get an estimate on his birth weight as well. I am excited and a little nervous!!!

I also found out that the original C- Section time of 7:30am on June 12th had already been scheduled for another woman so I was pushed back to the 12:30pm slot on that same day. This was a little shocking to me at first because my nurse told me 7:30am was the set time. Because of this I had thought it would be neat to have Natalie and Luke born at the same time of 7:34am on a Tuesday. Even though they will NOT BE BORN AT THE SAME TIME... I do think this will be better in the long run since I will have just finished school for the year the previous Friday and I have to get up for work so early 5:00-5:30 every morning. This will allow me to sleep in (We will see if that actually happens... not the sleeping in but the SLEEPING AT ALL!) and even eat a later dinner the night before. It is just 5 weeks away and I CANNOT WAIT!

On a side note, I am really beginning to like my doctor (which is ALWAYS a good thing right?). This is not to say I have not liked him but since I was new to the area and literally knew nothing, I had to ask friends from Sunday School about local doctors and Dr. Markos came as a highly referred doctor from a SS friend. He has been very knowledgeable and helpful but it just seems I really know how to pick em'. He is much older and has an extensive history of OB/GYN and Director of OB clinics and what not. He reminds me so much of Dr. Trotter from Shawnee and I was never really a fan of his. All of this to explain a funny story from yesterday. I was all decked out in my college day apparel for school with my "Future OU Sooner on the Way" shirt with matching jewelry. I had bedazzled earrings, a necklace and even an OU bracelet on. I was showing my TRUE COLORS for sure. The first thing Dr. Markos does when he walks in the room yesterday is say "Oh I see you are an Ohio University Fan!" I laughed and smiled and said "Ummm... NO! That is Oklahoma University sir!" He smiled and explained that he went to the University of texas and his son was offered a scholarship to OU for football. He was very familiar with OU and its football legacy and said even though he went to UT for med school, he had a true respect for OU! Yeah... He is getting a big tip at the end of all of this! Of course he then jokingly said he would give Luke a "hook em' horns" first thing after the surgery! (I was laughing inside thinking... yeah "just cut your tip in half")  I just love having a OU/ texas rivalry person to pick on! Luke WILL BE A SOONER!!! TRUST ME!!

Overall, it was a GREAT check-up and I am looking forward to the ultrasound and weight check in a few weeks as well as actually meeting Mr. David Luke on June 12th at 12:30pm! I am truly amazed at God's continued blessings on me and my family and I am eternally grateful!