
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Girls Gone Cruising- Disembarkation

All the Fun is Done... FOR NOW!
Galveston, TX
Monday, October 2, 2017

It's been FUN... Let's Do it AGAIN! 

It truly was the cruise of the lifetime and the memories made were PRICELESS but it was time to go home! 

The alarm went off (on purpose) and that meant we had to get up and get off. I got ready and of course went to the balcony. I was able to see the sunrise over Galveston before the other girls got up. I spent about an hour out there and even was able to call Chris and Luke since we were within land range. I found out that Chris walked WITHOUT crutches several times in my absence. This was HUGE ordeal at this point. I was so PROUD OF HIM! I ran down to the nightclub and picked out my purchases of adult beverages before we left for breakfast. Tip- Many Carnival ships deliver to your stateroom the night before but the Valor had them available to pick up from 6AM-9AM in the nightclub.

A very hazy sunrise of Galveston island! 

The Galveston Cruise terminal #1. 

One more morning on our balcony! 

We made our way to breakfast as we were docking and pulling into the terminal. Tip- I hate the last morning on the ship. Everyone has their bags and are cramming into the buffet area. Seats are really hard to come by so be sure to have 1 person in your party to save seats.

We opted to do the "zone" debarkation and since we were in a suite we had zone 3. Although the debarkation was not the smoothest I have encountered, we were able to get in line to get off the ship at 8:44AM. By 8:56AM were were off the ship and had our luggage in hand. Tip- I opted to pack a small suitcase and then had 3 shoulder bags. Next time I will just use the LARGER suitcase so I have space and do not have to hassle with the shoulder bags.  We were through the customs line and walking to our car by 9:13AM. We pulled into my driveway in The Woodlands at 10:50AM, which is a new record (thank you Gigi). 

It was a very SPECIAL cruise indeed and one we will surely never forget! Memories were made that will last a lifetime! We are already planning our next #GirlsGoneCruising for August 2019. 

Up next... Girls Gone Cruising #2- August 2019!

What's Next? 
 Chris and I will be sailing on the NCL Pearl in March 2018 for our 12th anniversary and a party cruise for Chris's 40th birthday! 

We have 2 other cruises on the horizon and are awaiting final details to book. But this is NOT ENOUGH... I am thinking a last minute cruise may happen in the near future! I am getting the FEVER! 
Our upcoming other cruises:
Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas- June 2018
(Gotta get on her before she leaves Galveston- there IS gossip)
NCL Breakaway (welcome to NOLA)- March 2019

This was one of my favorite cruise experiences all around and I am so lucky and blessed to have been able to share it with Natalie and my mom and sister! Thank you to Jackie and Dan for helping take care of "my boys" while I was off having fun! 

Thank you once again for following along! This blog would not be all it is today without your following and support! I LOVE cruising and I LOVE blogging! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Thank you all for following along but it is not over yet... We still have a FOOD BLOG, Carnival Valor pictorial review and the FunTimes scans! Be sure to check back for those!

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