
Monday, April 13, 2020

Our COVID-19 Adventures- Week 3

Week 3 of Quarantine
March 29-April 4. 2020

Even as we had adjusted to this new normal, there were still moments of frustration, anxiousness and I hate to say it but even more tears. Emotions were running high BUT through it all, we are growing closer to each other, and closer to GOD as a family! 

March 29 - #HappySundayYall
It's Sunday and we are so excited to worship and give our Praises back to Jesus! We have realized through the whole ordeal that we are truly blessed! Thank you Jesus for Your continued blessings... Like JOBS. Our house. Our family. OUR HEALTH! Thank you Jesus! 

Mims Baptist Church streaming LIVE via Facecbook! Thank you Bro. Jerry! 

The BEST PART of Sunday... Poppy's devotional from AEBC! I LOVED this one about getting REST! Thank you Daddy (Poppy) for sharing! 

March 30
It's Monday and a new week. The elementary started to send REAL assignments in CANVAS on this day and let me tell you...THEY DROPPED A LOT! It was very overwhelming for the kids! Monday and Tuesday are our busiest days for teaching and meetings. The day was full of meetings and classes but both Chris and I had a great day. I ran my usual 1.5 miles on the treadmill and then helped Natalie on the trumpet. She is getting really good (especially for only having played 10 days or so).

I got my 1.5 miles in and THEN joined a teacher friend online for a FB Live workout!
Thanks Plunkett for working me out today! 

Zooming and Teaching ALL DAY! It feels GREAT! 

Science experiment for Luke about WASHING YOUR HANDS!
(I personally think this should be TAUGHT all the time not just in a PANDEMIC) 

March 31
It's the end of this crazy month! THANK GOD! It feels as if this has lasted SO long! It was another long day of teaching and Zoom meetings with various departments and students but it was a good day. This is the one day a week that Chris and I have Zoom meetings where we teach our classes at the same time. Thank Goodness we have a 2 story house and plenty of room to roam about. I went upstairs to Natalie's room but the Wifi kept cutting in and out so I ended up in Luke's bedroom and it worked out fine! But it is HARD to have all 4 of us working and Zooming at the same time! Our poor internet is working WAY overtime! 

I was also able to make a short video for the Keefer social media outlets telling our kids how much I love and miss them! I am so blessed to be a part of this amazing campus and district! Just another way.. . #GodisGOOD #AlltheTime 

I love and miss you Keefer Kiddos! Stay Safe! Stay Healthy! 

Natalie was able to see her friends and her teacher, Mrs. McKenney, on a class Zoom. This lifted her spirits A LOT as she is at that stage of the Pre-Teen emotional roller coaster and this whole quarantine in NOT helping with that! She misses her friends SO MUCH! 

Natalie was SO excited to FINALLY be able to see her teacher and friends! She put on make, wore a nice shirt and fixed her hair! Pre-Teen FOR SURE! 

A recap of our CRAZY month of March! 

President Trump declared that the nation would follow the "Social Distancing" guideline until at least April 30th, despite his previous high hopes of being done with this by Easter. Once again, we feel the writing is on the wall! 

April 2020
"This too shall pass."

April 1- Happy April Fool's Day
I'm never really into April Fool's Day but especially not this year. I started the morning by going to the Ark Church in Conroe for the Montgomery County Food pantry for groceries. After sitting in the lines of cars for 20 minutes, a policeman told me that the food was gone as people had been lined up since 7AM. Wow... I pray they all got the food they needed. 

An opportunity for those less fortunate than us to get FREE food during this time of crisis

The kids had an especially trying day both academically and emotionally. Poor Natalie just cried and cried wanting to see her friends and trying to grasp this whole ordeal. Luke felt the tension and within an hour he had an emotional break down as well. After we all recovered from that we spent MANY hours outside flying kites given to the kids by our neighbors. The great outdoors healed us and we ended on a good note. 

Thank you Mr. Phil and Mrs. Phyllis for the kites! They are just what we needed! 

We learned that Governor Greg Abbot declared that Texas would not go back to school until AT LEAST May 4th. This was a hard hit for all of us as we all just want this to be over. In fact, this triggered a HUGE meltdown from my kids! 

Pray y'all! Just pray! 

April 2 
It was another busy day of school work for us all and even Luke had a Zoom meeting with his class and teacher. Since we were dealing with our own kiddos on the previous day, Chris and I had a lot of work to catch up on so we stayed busy most of the day. Natalie and Luke did MUCH BETTER on their work they needed to turn in and got all of their own school work done in the morning. I ran my daily 1.5 miles on the treadmill and even helped Natalie with her trumpet. 

Natalie practicing her trumpet with her Woodwind Specialist teacher... We are surviving and sounding pretty good! 

Chris and I lesson planned, imported and worked while watching 24. We are now on Season 4. It is our FAVORITE show and is really meant to be binge-watched as it is hard to just watch one episode at a time. I LOVE me some Jack Bauer! 

I REALLY like this season! Better than I remember it being! 

The total number of COVID19 cases WORLD WIDE now reaches 1 MILLION people. The death rate is now at 18% and the media is still pushing hysteria and false information. CNN even published a picture of an ITALIAN hospital and says it is a hospital in New York. 
LORD... If You're ready, come back NOW! 

April 3 
It's FRIDAY! I had many Zoom meetings with departments and a faculty meeting. We learned that overall as a district, we are giving the kids too much work and to back off a bit. This was nice to hear since AS A MOM, I feel as if my kids are asked to do a lot for school. But I am REALLY missing my job and my students. Chris and I were able to finish Season 4 of 24 by 1AM. We are liking being able to binge watch our favorite TV shows. (4 seasons in 3 weeks if pretty good... Or sad, depending on how you look at it). 

Yeah... This is me today! SO MANY emails and meetings! 

April 4 
HAPPY SATURDAY! We started the day off at the Junior High track near our subdivision. Chris and Luke had been going to this track daily to work on his baseball skills and Natalie and I joined him. I was determined to run a 5K on the track. Chris and Luke played baseball while Natalie and I did 12 laps around the track for a total of 3 miles. I was feeling so good at the end that I did another 3 laps. By the time we got back to our house I had ran/ walked 4.3 miles. It felt GREAT to be able to do this again! It wasn't even my WORST time! The rest of the day, we all recovered and had a great relaxing day! 

Time for WORKOUT Saturday! 

4 miles... I feel GREAT!
(I don't look great... no make-up! Sorry, y'all! This quarantine has me being LAZY)

This was the hardest week YET. The kids were completely overwhelmed with the AMOUNT of work and many tears were shed. I held it together for a few weeks but my emotions were running high and I was feeling anxious! But as the week closed, we brought our eyes back to HIM and found our hope and relief. We will SURVIVE! 

But through it all, we know that GOD is still in CONTROL and HE IS STILL ON HIS THRONE! We will continue to look to HIM for answers and continue to pray for this situation and those it is effecting! 

Even in the midst of all of this... 


Check out our COVID Adventures: 

The Prequel- December to Mid-March 2020

Week 1: March 15-21

Week 2: March 22-28

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