
Monday, April 13, 2020

Our COVID-19 Adventures- Week 4

Week 4 of Quarantine 
April 5-11, 2020 

It is HOLY WEEK and once again, it is not the way we expected this week to go but here we are KILLING IT! 

April 5- Palm Sunday
It wasn't the traditional Palm Sunday of gorgeous music and palm leaves in the aside of our church. We did a Sunday School Zoom with our class, watched the Mims Service online and for the 1st time EVER I got to see my Daddy preach from AEBC on Facebook! It was SO AWESOME! In the middle of all of this chaos, we can still come to Jesus! 

Sunday School with Travis via Zoom! This was interesting! 

Church (in our PJs) in the living room! 
I am so glad our church has the means for Online Services! 

In the afternoon, the kids did Part 1 of  Baking with Auntie Allie and made Allison's famous Cake Mix Cookies all by themselves. They did so good and had a blast virtually cooking with Allie! 

The kids ABSOLUTELY loved this! This will be our new "Weekend" thing to look forward to! 
Thank you Allison! We love and miss you! 

Due to the CDC recommendation of masks and gloves when in public, our friends and neighbors were making cloth masks. We supported this small business of theirs and got masks for all of us to use in public, even though I am the "runner" of the family and I am the only one getting out. 

April 6 
It was a MONDAY and that means it was a crazy hectic day of online learning and online teaching. Luke's teacher, Mrs. Wolf, started a new Zoom meeting process where she actually helped the kids get all of their assignments done in a 2 hour window. The work that was given was MUCH less than the previous week but Mrs. Wolf didn't start the process until 10 and Luke was usually all done by then. Chris and I both had mornings FULL of meetings and then virtually teaching in the afternoon! 

This was a FUN little assignment I had my orchestra kids do. These were creations from some 7th graders. I love it! 

I would MUCH RATHER be at school (I seriously miss my job and kids more than I would have ever thought) but I am beginning to like this Teaching Virtually thing! Today I had 3 kids in a lesson! 

April 7 
What should have been STAAR testing day for Natalie ended up being another busy day of meetings and virtual learning. Natalie had a Zoom meeting with her class and Mrs. McKenney. She really misses her friends SO MUCH! I was able to get in a morning run and a virtual workout with some teacher friends! Thanks again Plunkett. 
I have got to stay in shape. Still doing Keto and Fasting (to a certain degree.. it is hard at home). I still have 20+ pounds to go! But today marks 25 pounds lost since January 6th. 

Chris had a very busy day of virtual teaching and by 4PM he was DONE! We made a very special TACO TUESDAY dinner but all four of us were WIPED out! 

Family movie night and Abbey will not get out of this chair! Luke even sorta sat on her... Nope! She was NOT moving! 

April 8 
This Wednesday proved to be much less busy that the previous two days but Luke still did his online work with Mrs. Wolf. This day it seemed to take forever and the Zoom meeting was not over until about 1PM and poor Luke was HANGRY! We decided that Luke is just better off doing his school work on his own in the early morning times. 

It's April 8th and I just now got my Christmas Thank You cards out in the mail! Complete with Santa stamps! Haha... I guess it is better late than never! Thank you ALL for the great Holiday Season! 

Luke doing his school work virtually with his Teacher, Mrs. Wolf, and his classmates! 

The number of cases in Montgomery County was rising DAILY and we were close to 200 cases within our county and there was even 4 in our zip-code. It is getting real and a little scary. 

The US is up to 525K cases. This seems completely crazy to me and hard to believe but that is what it is! 

April 9 
This was a much easier day for us but there were many meetings and Zoom conferences Chris and I had to be on as it was the close of the week and lots of info was given to the staff of our campuses as next week was Spring Break. Both of our administrators are AMAZING and they both really preached about PUTTING AWAY the LAPTOP this week and have a true break. It will not be the Spring Break we wanted, as we were supposed to be on a CRUISE SHIP but it is what it is! We will still have a GREAT WEEK as a family! 

HEB Curbside and Walmart Curbside have been INSANE lately and have had 5-7 day wait times for an order. So I decided to go to the store on Thursday instead of Friday like the previous weeks in hopes that less people would be in the store. This proved to be a GREAT theory and I will be going on Thursdays in the future weeks. I can prepared with my mask in hand and Costco had EVERYTHING I needed. 

The line to GET INTO Costco around 11:30AM. This was VERY long but I was inside the store within 30 minutes. I wish I could go when they open but the teaching online prevents that! 

Not only are you on the front lines of this craziness but you have to wear these masks ALL DAY! Nope, I wouldn't survive! I was SO claustrophobic! It was awful! 

April 10- Good Friday
What was supposed to have been a Holiday and day off of teaching, ended up being another day of online learning and virtual teaching. I am not really sure why or how it became a teaching day but we did our duties to wrap up the week and then spent time with our family. 

We went way out to Humble (beyond our district from our house) and made our way to Krispy Kreme Donuts. This is the BEST DONUTS ever. My parents and I originally found this place on a Baseball trip adventure in the late 90s and then when I moved to Norman to go to college at OU there was a Krispy Kreme and it became a Saturday ritual for my roommates and I. Over the course of my time at OU, Krispy Kreme went up all over the place and even on the East side of Norman where I spent my later college years. Since leaving Norman in 2006, I have not seen a Krispy Kreme and it has broken my heart. Once I realized a KK was built in Humble, I knew I had to get there, but I never had time to drive the 30 minutes there and 30 minutes home. Well, we have been given the gift of time so off we went. They were worth EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY! I still agree, they are best donuts EVER! 

Seriously, the BEST DONUTS EVER! Wow... SO good and worth every calorie! 

We spent the afternoon getting more work done before our Spring Break and playing Phase 10 as a family. The kids had never played before but did very well adapting to the rules and we all had a blast. 

The Shake You Up Milkshake truck was in the neighborhood and since I had already blew my diet on donuts I decided to make it a FULL CHEAT day. We each got a crazy sweet, rich and expensive milkshake for our afternoon snack (or what became dinner to me). It was a once in a lifetime (or quarantine) type of thing! 

This is smart! VERY smart!

Of course, they charge $9 PER SHAKE... Again, it is smart!
They were very good... BUT SO RICH! 

We could have (And definitely SHOULD HAVE) all 4 shared one! 

Our $42 mid-day snack!

We ended the night by taking the Lord's Supper in our living room via the Mims Online service. This was VERY unique and it felt weird but kinda neat at the same time! Overall it was a GREAT day to get our Easter Weekend started. 

I never dreamed I would be taking the Lord's Supper in my living room!

It was a unique experience for sure! 

April 11 
We started our Saturday morning off at the Field again. We walked to Irons JH at the front of our neighborhood and Luke and Chris played baseball while Natalie and I jogged (Natalie walked) on the track. I completed my virtual race of #CrushCorona and then walked with the family. I ended up completing 5.25 miles in run/ walk intervals. And I learned... I need new Running Shoes! How will I order those... with social distancing! 

5 miles (intervals of running and walking)! I feel good... Well, actually my legs hurt but my mind and spirit feel GREAT! 

In the afternoon, the kids did Part 2 of Baking with Auntie Allie and made a BUNNY CAKE virtually with Allison. It turned out pretty cute and tasted pretty good! This may be a new Easter Tradition! 

This was a VERY FUN Saturday afternoon! And not a "too bad" looking bunny! 

We ended the evening by reading the Crucifixion and Resurrection stories in the Bible and then watching JESUS on Trinity Broadcast Network. It was a special Sight and Sound Theater production about Jesus's life and death. It was AWESOME and the kids loved it! 

Governor Greg Abbot makes an announcement on media that he "has a plan" for restarting our economy and social distancing guidelines to be announced next week. We need the economy to get restarted real soon or I am afraid it will be a HARD restart! Montgomery County now has well over 200 cases and it raises by 20-30 PER DAY! 

The United States now has 560,300 cases and it is growing rapidly. The death count for the US is still a whopping 22K. And we have yet to reach our "peak" in this vicious curve of Corona-virus. 

This was not a traditional HOLY Week by any means but we made do and still had a great time preparing for Resurrection Sunday. The kids did MUCH better in school with the lightened work load and Chris and I are now officially adjusted to teaching online and virtual school. It was still an emotional week for me as I began to think of Easter Sunday not spent at Church and I began to really miss my kids at school and more importantly my family! I am hoping next week, our Spring Break, will be a much better week! 

But through it all, we know that GOD is still in CONTROL and HE IS STILL ON HIS THRONE! We will continue to look to HIM for answers and continue to pray for this situation and those it is effecting! 

Even in the midst of all of this... 


Check out our COVID Adventures: 

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